Last night we had a bit of snow. It was pretty while it lasted, there is just a little bit of a dusting on the ground this morning and the sun is shining bright, melting the white powder. Only real problem is that it is cold as hell outside! Anyhow, things are going well with the book. We are getting closer to the end, I have expanded the scope of this chapter, so it is going to be a little bit longer then I originally anticipated. But again, remember, it is the last chapter that I will be posting on the blog for yall for free. I have ideas for at least two more chapters, and they will be part of the final edit of the book.  I don’t have a timeline yet for the final two chapters, and the full editing (which of course will change the first 4 chapters as well!).

Another update, I have had a few naughty day dreams about someone at work. I don’t think they will ever come true, but they have hinted they have had the same about me! I think that those day dreams may fuel a set of Amazon Singles. I haven’t really thought about how to do it, but we will figure something out! I may just do shorts for each individual idea that I had with that person, since they probably won’t come true, it will at least live on forever in short stories on the web! 🙂

I hope that you all have had a great weekend, and are looking at a great week ahead!

Love you!
~-= Cin =-~

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