Nude Elf
Ok, I know it has been like forever since I last posted, but I have good reason! I promise! Well, at least it is a good reason to me! I started playing EVE again for a bit and got caught up in a few space battles that lasted a long time and now I am working to build up my fleet so I can go get a few more people back for killing one of my spaceships. Then last week Dragon Age 3 came out and I really couldn’t resist! I have been playing a hell of a lot over the last week! I haven’t gotten into EVE in the past week either. I will get back to doing things normally soon!
I still have a few ideas about some stuff I want to try out with short stories and maybe a full novel. What do you all think about a full novel or a few short stories in the medieval theme? I don’t want to do the Vampire / Werewolf cliche stuff, though that does seem to sell really well, hence twilight and city of glass etc! I don’t know what the hell I am going to do, but elves, humans, maybe a few dwarves, gnomes thrown in for no apparent reason. Let me know! Wish more people would comment! 🙂
See you all again soon! Love you!
~-= Cin =-~