Well, it is a new year now. Welcome to 2015! Things haven’t changed much, but I guess I need to make a resolution or two. Let’s see, first resolution I think will be to do more than one or two posts a month. It would be nice to do one a week at least! I will try to do something like that! Another resolution will be to get the Introduction of Jessica in print for you all! I really would love to get that done this year! I can’t believe how far behind I have gotten! One more resolution would be to write more short stories and get the second book of shorts out there! I know I have published two short stories on their own, but I really want to do another group of 5 or 6 stories.

On a more personal note. I found out yesterday that someone I know personally is a Cross Dresser! Wow! I never knew and he didn’t know about me either! So now we do. I am writing him a short story right now and I am about half-way done with it. I really need to finish that one, but this story is a little more difficult! There are details in the story that are personal and we don’t want to let anyone know what’s up outside of just the two of us! It will be interesting to see what he thinks and if he will let me publish the story up here!

Alright everyone! Make your resolutions and let’s all try to stick to them! Share them here and we can track them if you want!!!

~-= Cin =-~

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