by Cindy McIntyre | Nov 20, 2013 | General

One Fine Ass
Ok, well once again I have dropped the ball on keeping yall updated! I promise I will try harder. I just really haven’t had much to report lately! I have been doing real life stuff that didn’t involve this side of my life for a little while now. I do have a few updates though! First lets discuss the book and some stories.
The Introduction of Jessica had been put on hold while I worked out a few things in my normal life. I will hopefully be able to get back to it this week and maybe finish up Day 6 before this month is out. I really hope so, I am kinda anxious to get started on Day 7 and wrapping up this particular book. I think there is a huge chance for a follow on book after this one. Don’t really want to say too much about the ideas for that or else I will give away too much from Day 7!
Ok, On to other things that have been happening! I met with a local cross dresser and took some images with her. She was great! It was a fun time. I really have to get going on working on the images and getting them to her! We also talked about some stories that she is writing and I brought up the option of both of us collaborating on a story or two! I am not sure if anything will come from it, but I think it would be a fun time and something really cool will come of it if we do get that project off the ground!
Anyhow, that about covers everything that has been going on. Like I said it isn’t much. I hope to have more posts and more to tell you coming sooner then I have been doing recently. Just a lot of regular life getting in the way and not enough time to get everything done that I really want to do! Not to mention that I am lacking a great deal of enthusiasm at the moment, though I am getting that back!
by Cindy McIntyre | Oct 28, 2013 | General

That is one huge dildo in her ASS!!!!
Well, nothing much has changed I guess. I am working with a local girl on her website, there is a lot of shit to deal with on the legal side, but right now I am working through some of the other things that most people won’t see. Admin areas and how the different sets of images and videos will be uploaded, trying to make it as easy as I can for her. She will create a new set, entering the information like the title, description etc. Then the images and video will be uploaded by dragging and dropping them on the webpage from her computer. She will be able to change the order by just dragging them around. The video will be updated automatically from whatever she uploads to the three main HTML5 video types and if I can it will be backed up with Flash Video for those horny ass guys that don’t have enough time to drop their cocks and go get an updated computer. You know you are out there, don’t even try it! You are still on an old Pentium 450 mhz computer with a tube 13 inch monitor! (Oh dear god, please don’t let that be true!)
Anyhow, there is a lot of programming since I am doing it by hand rather then relying on other people (or plugins or addons or anything like that) so that she will have a completely custom website and it will work exactly how she wants it to work! It is going to be sweet! I just hope she likes it! I am always up for others who want to do a project too! I am really getting into doing the video thing. I have been working on learning how to use Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects. It is awesome! I just created my first video in those programs this past weekend and it was SWEET! I hope that I can do some really hot videos with this girl I am working on the website for too!
At any rate that is about it for now! I hope you all are enjoying the World Series and my blog! Leave me a message or two sometime! See you around the network!
Love ya!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | Oct 22, 2013 | Diary Entries

by Cindy McIntyre | Oct 19, 2013 | General

Sweet Tits
Well, it has been a little while since I have had anything to let you all know about. I have started working on a website for a local girl, she is very hot, and she loves some of her fetishes! I saw that she had a website that she paid someone to write for her, and it was awful. I told her I would work with her to update it and try to make it a place that people would like to visit and watch her do her thing. We have fixed her site as it was somewhat, it still has a few things that need updating on it, but I have decided to re-write the whole thing from the ground up for her and try to get some better quality pictures and video of her for the site. Hopefully that will be happening soon. I have a LOT of work to do to get the site written and get everything in “lawful” order hehe. Anyhow I will let you all know when it is done!
I had some furniture delivered today, and one of the movers saw some of my photographs and asked me what I did for a living. I let him know that I did photography and video on the side and he asked if I would like to video a Rap Music Video. I think that is going to be fucking fun! I can’t wait to get started on something like that! Can’t imagine how much work that is going to be though!
I did write a little bit on Day 6 of the Introduction of Jessica. I didn’t get much done, but I am up to the point of some of the sex scenes, just have to be in the mood to be able to write those and get them good. Maybe I can talk Chase (the girl from earlier in this post) to act out some of my scenes! :-p i think it would be so fun to write a porn from the ground up and video it, and edit it etc. That would be AWESOME! Anyhow, I will get back to writing as soon as I can and will keep you all up to date on that as well!
Love ya!
by Cindy McIntyre | Sep 28, 2013 | General

Hiding a little something in some Sexy Lingerie
Well, it has been almost a month since I last updated this thing. I really have to keep up with it, but not as much has been going on that I thought you would want to be updated on! There is a lot going on, just nothing really interesting I guess! The new 4K TV’s are coming down in price, so I think I am going to get one, around the time the PS4 comes out. That will about finish off everything for buying for a while. I don’t think I will have any money for about a year after that. See I told you it wasn’t that interesting! 🙂
I haven’t gotten back to writing yet since my last update. I have kept a few notes about a few more stories. I still have a lot of work to put into them before they are ready to be written. I think I just need to have some time and feel decent enough to sit down and write out all the thoughts and figure out how I am going to write them down. There is a lot that goes into the writing that I do, and it’s probably more then I really should be doing. Not to mention how everything is changing on Amazon and Barnes and Noble… Just some things that have to be done and then done again, and done again etc. I will get back to the main novel, and then there is going to be a good amount of time re-writing bits and pieces and making sure all the different chapters go together and the timeline is right, then maybe it will be ready to go out for publishing!
Photography, yeah I know it is first in the title, but getting to it a little late. I am working on changing a bunch of things in my life and one of them is the fact that I have always wanted to do erotic photography. Problem is, in this area it is near impossible to get into it. I don’t know exactly what I am going to do, but I am going to go forward and see where I get. I have a few ideas, but nothing concrete and I don’t know exactly what type of erotic photography I am going to be interested in. I am going to try to shoot as many different types as I can, and just see how it works out. I really hope to get some really good art type of photography. I hope that I can continue to grow in that area and one day it will grow to be a great business. We will have to see.