by Cindy McIntyre | May 27, 2013 | Rambling

Sexy Shemale Ass!
Alright! Well it has been another fine weekend and a number of people have added me to their lists on Facebook and G+ again. I of course accept all people that add me but I don’t add anyone anymore since the kind of posts that I do mostly aren’t for just anyone. If you like what you see or a friend passes you along to my facebook, then feel free to add me and what not! I always accept requests. There is of course a problem with this.
Most everyone that has viewed my facebook page or G+ page has added me because they like my pictures, whether they are actually of me or some that I have liked and posted. They don’t read the blog, or they don’t read my posts, they don’t care about that. They like legs, panties and pantyhose. They are out just to get off, just like I mentioned in my last post. I love getting a message, “Hi”, or “Love your photos” sometime just “photo” whatever. I say thank you or hi back and then it starts.
I got one tonight, “Can we chat about sex?” You know I love to chat about sex, but not cyber. So I asked, “You mean Cyber?” They answered, “Chat for now” I was like alright, the only problem was most of their posts were in upper case, so I asked them to stop yelling. I can’t stand it when people don’t even know how to be polite in chat and expect people to have cyber sex with them on Facebook chat! WTF?! At anyrate, the first thing they came back with was, “Touch your pussy” I told them to go away after that. First, they didn’t know I have a COCK! Damn it! Second, they said they wanted to chat, not cyber. People are not all there and I don’t care to do that, especially with people that can’t even be courteous, or don’t know english. I am from the US! You would know that if you read my profile, or read my blog, or even read any of my posts. I can’t cyber or chat in any other language!
I don’t mind people wanting to cyber, sometimes it can be fun, like I said in my last post, but if you can’t even put a sentence together or be courteous, then look somewhere else, there are plenty of guys out there pretending to be girls, at least I am up front about being a cross dresser and posting under my pen name! Read what I write if you want to, ask me questions any time you want. Don’t come at me with, “LETS FUCK” and think you are going to get a good 5 minutes to jerk your cock to, cum and leave. As everyone has heard at one point in time or another, I’m Not That Type of Gurl!
Love ya!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | May 24, 2013 | Rambling

Sexy Shemale Drinking Wine And Showing Off
Well, it is the end of another week and writing is still going on. I haven’t finished the short stories yet, but they are still coming along just fine! I have been working on Day 5 still but it is now going in the direction that I want it to go, and Jessica’s little adventure for Day 5 may spill over into Day 6! This could make the book a little longer, but still, I am sure you are all going to enjoy it.
Now about the social media. There are some crazy people out there. I had one person on facebook go ape shit since I didn’t reply for a few days. Everyone knows here that I don’t chat all the time. I try to talk to everyone that messages me with any type of substance, but most of the people are always about, “damn you’re sexy” or “I would love to lick that!” Whatever, we aren’t in the same state, let alone the same city, sometimes not even the same country. Why does everyone want to just sext, read people! Read! It is so much better!
Just as an extension to the above, I have done the whole cam to cam, and sexting and what not. I played second life as a stripper and escort. I pride myself on being able to describe a scene and do a really nice job on making people get off during a little play time. That is one of the reasons that I write! I haven’t met anyone yet on facebook or g+ that is any good at it. Most of them just want to get off and leave after trying to talk your legs open. They are too scared to go out and find someone that fits the description they are looking for in real life since they are still living under the whole view that sex is an underground thing (or at least now it is an online thing since they can hide).
There is still the stigma that sex in any other form than missionary and in the dark, under the covers in the bed in your own house after you are married is still the only way to do it and it stays there. It is getting better and there are groups out there that have enlightened a lot of people, but the stigma is still there. People need to talk more freely about it, and enjoy all types of sex. Get over the fact that you like something that your friends or community believes is taboo. Every type of fetish is accepted somewhere around the world. If you are reading this then you like sex in writing, and most of you like shemales, transvestites, transgendered people, cross dressers, etc. If that is what you like and you are looking on Facebook or G+ to get off with someone like that, then you are looking in the wrong place. Yes it can be fun, but it is never satisfying for both people, get out to the bars, the gay bars, the straight bars, the party clubs, whatever. Find what you are looking for and just have a good time, forget about the stigma, the taboo, the whatever. Just get out there and enjoy life!
Love you all!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | May 19, 2013 | General
Well once again it has been a little while since my last post. I know I know, I keep telling you I will post more, but wouldn’t you rather I work on the stories? I am just about done with two of the short stories for putting up on the blog and on Lush! I hope you all have found the time to get over there and read more stories, there are thousands there of every type! At any rate, I will give you a little heads up on one of the stories that I will be posting in the near future. A guy is getting home from work and finds a woman sitting in his wife’s lap in the living room. What the fuck?! I will leave the rest to you! heheh Hope you have a great weekend and look for the story soon!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | May 5, 2013 | General

Hot legs in heels and panties on the bed!
Well, it has been another week almost. My spouse Zander has decided to let me write about one of their fantasies. So I have started working on that story as well, so that will make two new stories for the website and I am working on two novels including the one about Jessica. So there is a lot of writing going on right now and everything is just taking longer, I really need to start focusing on getting one done and then doing the next. We will see how that works out. I have decided to start posting my online stories here and on Lush Stories. You can find my profile at: Hope you enjoy and add me there!
More updates coming soon!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | Apr 28, 2013 | General

The perfect Breast!
Wow, it has been a little while since the last time I have updated y’all and I am very sorry about that! I have been working on The Introduction of Jessica of course, but I started working on another novel. This one is about a girl going to college and will be a story in the world of Mage, Vampire, Werewolf etc. It isn’t the same sort of thing as Twilight, and of course it is going to be a little more erotic then that anyhow. Mage and the others are a world for role playing from the White Wolf company called the World of Darkness, you can read more here I think it will be neat, but of course it isn’t going to be done for a while since I want to get Jessica done first and this is going to be a long novel type story as well. I will keep you all informed and maybe post a few snippets as well!
I also have started working on a short story for the website, this one I am not going to tell you much about, I will just fininsh it up and get it posted so you can read it and let me know what you think! I have recieved one input from someone. I mean really one? They like the incest thing. How many people like the incest thing? I know IRL it is illegal and not many are going to really let everyone know, but I would like to know if we need more of those type stories or what. I would love to have more input either here or on facebook or g+ about what people would like to read in shorts or in longer novels.
Anyhow! I love yall! Hope you are all being patient with the stories, there is a lot to write and a lot to brainstorm! I will try to keep you all updated more often, just need to keep working!
~-= Cin =-~