by Cindy McIntyre | Feb 25, 2013 | News / Updates

Sexy Bat Girl
Alright everyone, as you can tell we are all at a new site! If you go here from the old site or from a post on g+ or facebook it doesn’t matter! We are new here and we need to get this site going again! It has taken a little while to get this site up on its own server, but now there are things I need to do to get it going on various search engines and make sure that everyone knows where the new site is!
So now that the site is up, though it still has a lot to have done to it, I can’t stop working on the stories. I have 3 stories that I need to be working on at the moment. These will all be online stories for the website! I will still be working on the Introduction of Jessica as there are still three more chapters to go at least! I will update yall on everything once I get going on them again. I still have a LOT to do on the new website so I hope you keep coming back an seeing things that have changed here and check for updates on the stories!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | Feb 18, 2013 | News / Updates

First Attempt at the cover for The Introduction of Jessica
Today I decided to try to create the new book cover and took a few pictures of myself. I know I am not the prettiest thing on the planet, but I do have some really nice legs. So I finally got a photo that I thought I could use! I created the first draft of the cover for “The Introduction of Jessica” for when I get to publish it. I hope you like it!
Speaking of the story, I am getting really close to finishing up the fourth day. It is getting long and I keep getting more ideas to put in, I really have to save a few ideas for day five and day six! I hope to have at least seven days for the first book, and it looks like it is going to be a rather large book too! The first book of Erotic Short Stories was about 76 pages. This book is going to be closer to 200 or 250 pages! I really hope you all are looking to see what happens with Jamie and Jessica!
Love Ya!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | Feb 17, 2013 | News / Updates
Last night we had a bit of snow. It was pretty while it lasted, there is just a little bit of a dusting on the ground this morning and the sun is shining bright, melting the white powder. Only real problem is that it is cold as hell outside! Anyhow, things are going well with the book. We are getting closer to the end, I have expanded the scope of this chapter, so it is going to be a little bit longer then I originally anticipated. But again, remember, it is the last chapter that I will be posting on the blog for yall for free. I have ideas for at least two more chapters, and they will be part of the final edit of the book. I don’t have a timeline yet for the final two chapters, and the full editing (which of course will change the first 4 chapters as well!).
Another update, I have had a few naughty day dreams about someone at work. I don’t think they will ever come true, but they have hinted they have had the same about me! I think that those day dreams may fuel a set of Amazon Singles. I haven’t really thought about how to do it, but we will figure something out! I may just do shorts for each individual idea that I had with that person, since they probably won’t come true, it will at least live on forever in short stories on the web! 🙂
I hope that you all have had a great weekend, and are looking at a great week ahead!
Love you!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | Feb 14, 2013 | News / Updates
Well it has been a little while since I have given y’all an update. I am very sorry for that. I know you all know about the server upgrade, and that is all done now and everything is back up and running, and I didn’t even lose anything from the site! Imagine that! I have been working on the story some more this week, and it is coming along really well. We are almost done with Day 4. There are just a few more pages to do and then I will post it. Probably be this weekend or early next week. I want to be sure that it is long enough to match at least Day 1 and 2! I don’t know that I am going to have another chapter that is as long as Day 3 was. That one was just really huge!
It is Valentine’s day! I hope that everyone is loving on someone and maybe getting a little tonight! It is the day for it, so make the most of it! I hope to hear from y’all and I can’t wait to get the next chapter to you! Remember this is the last one that I am putting up for free! Next few are going to be saved for when it is all done and published. I am going to be publishing it in hardback, softback and e-book of course!
Love ya!!!!!
~-= Cin =-~