by Cindy McIntyre | Jan 22, 2013 | General
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Love Yall!!!!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | Jan 22, 2013 | Diary Entries

by Cindy McIntyre | Jan 21, 2013 | General
Well, it is another weekend over with. Though it was a three day weekend, it still sux that it is over. Back to work tomorrow and normal day routines. I have been working on the next day of the story. It is coming along really well. They are almost done with the day, though there is a lot more to be written, and will probably be the longest chapter so far, so I hope that y’all are looking forward to it! Also I am writing this post in Word 2013. So far it is pretty nice, though the spell check right now sux. Grammar is taken care of pretty well, but the spell check just doesn’t check anything it seems. Though it is a preview, you would think that the spell check would be fine since they have had it in all the previous versions. Oh well, maybe I am just missing something. I am going to be continuing with the story tonight after I finish this post. I am also watching Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part 1. Just something to have on in the background while I write. I love to have movies like Harry Potter and Twilight on when I write. Though sometimes they make me a little sleepy. Ok, since you all would probably hate me if I didn’t start posting pictures again lets see what I have laying around for y’all tonight!
This picture was one that I though of when the two were getting it on in the dressing room. Wonder if Jessica looks that good in your mind when you are reading the stories!
This picture was one that I used as a reference for the corset that Jamie wore in Day 2! Was it what you imagined when you read the story?
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | Jan 14, 2013 | Diary Entries
Another update on where I am going with the story.