Back Again After Christmas

Well, once again it has been a little while since I have written any type of post for yall. There have been a lot of things going on that have kept me from the blog, but things are getting back to normal. I have started playing around again in Secondlife. I have met a few people and had a little fun building some more things and again, writing more. I will be putting the “Introduction of Jessica” as a book in Secondlife as well. I hope that yall will join me in there and read as I continue writing the story. About which, I have added a few more thousand words, but I am not ready yet to post the next part on the page. I really would like to get through the rest of this scene which I think will pretty much end this chapter for Day 2. I have a few plans for Day 3 as well, so there is more to come! I hope yall will stick with me and wait it out as I get more of the story done and post it up here! I also have more pictures up in SecondLife in my house, along with some movies and what not! I so hope that you would join me in SecondLife and have a little fun! Find me at This will also allow you to find me in the game! I am Talaris Sweetwater in SecondLife. Cum by and say Hi!

~-= Cin =-~

Getting Hot and Heavy in the Story!

Silver Corset

Silver Corset

Ok, it is after 8 pm here.  I am sitting her watching Twilight (The first one) and writing more on the story.  Things are starting to get to the hot and heavy!  Jaime and Jessica are in the dressing room trying things out and Jaime has decided to dress up before they have a little fun, so she goes out to the store and gets them both a full sexy outfit, both having corsets.  Jaime’s is a nice silver one and Jessica’s is purple and black!

Purple Corset

Purple Corset

  You will have to wait for the next part to see what happens to the corsets, let alone what happens to the two girls in them.  Oh yeah, don’t forget about Jaime’s and Jessica’s mothers in the back of the store together alone with a little time to spend, is there anything going on, or are they just back there talking about life?  What do you think? LOL



Update 11-24-2012

Lovely Lady and Lady Boi!

mmmmm Lady Boi and Lady!

Well once again it has been a little bit since my last post.  There have been a few things going on since my last post as well.  First of all, I have been trying to meet up with a few people and see if we can get some friendships going, but it hasn’t been working out too well.  Sometimes the people on the internet surprise me, sometimes they don’t.  I guess I will keep trying until they don’t surprise me any longer and I don’t feel like trying any longer.  Another things I have been doing is working on various Android applications.  One I am working on for Casual Encounters on Craigs list.  I am seeing about creating one that will get you lists of posts that you are looking for.  I don’t know how it is going to turn out, but it is a good little test of what I can do in Android.  Another thing is I am writing this on a Windows 8 Tablet/Netbook from Lenovo.  I thought I would try out the Windows 8 thing and it is alright so far, nothing special.  There are a lot of live tile applications that I would like to see that aren’t out there yet, but I will wait and see if they show up, if not, then I will try writing one myself and seeing how that turns out!  I guess nothing really special is going, but I hope that changes in the near future!  I am also working finally on getting the next part to the “Introduction of Jessica” done and up on here for you. I really appreciate you all waiting for it so patiently!!!  I hope to hear from yall! Love ya!!!

~-= Cin =-~