by Cindy McIntyre | Jan 3, 2015 | News / Updates
Well, it is a new year now. Welcome to 2015! Things haven’t changed much, but I guess I need to make a resolution or two. Let’s see, first resolution I think will be to do more than one or two posts a month. It would be nice to do one a week at least! I will try to do something like that! Another resolution will be to get the Introduction of Jessica in print for you all! I really would love to get that done this year! I can’t believe how far behind I have gotten! One more resolution would be to write more short stories and get the second book of shorts out there! I know I have published two short stories on their own, but I really want to do another group of 5 or 6 stories.
On a more personal note. I found out yesterday that someone I know personally is a Cross Dresser! Wow! I never knew and he didn’t know about me either! So now we do. I am writing him a short story right now and I am about half-way done with it. I really need to finish that one, but this story is a little more difficult! There are details in the story that are personal and we don’t want to let anyone know what’s up outside of just the two of us! It will be interesting to see what he thinks and if he will let me publish the story up here!
Alright everyone! Make your resolutions and let’s all try to stick to them! Share them here and we can track them if you want!!!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | Dec 28, 2014 | General
Well it is so very rare that I get a new follower on the blog (at least that I know about!) That I thought I would give him a nice little post just for him! I don’t know much about him other than his e-mail address which I think gives me his name! If I get it wrong, please let me know! Effe! I am not sure what that means or even if that is his real name, but that is alright! I hope to hear more from my readers and get more followers in the near future to help move things along and help me with ideas for new stories! I am guessing since he is following me now that he is interested in similar things so the image at the top of this post is just for him! I love extreme high heels in fishnets (or any type of stockings!) Enjoy!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | Dec 27, 2014 | General, Stories
Hey everyone! I was going through a few of the logs about the blog and I have noticed that a LOT of people are getting to it searching for miqo’te literature erotica and miqo’te erotica! Well I will have to do a little research, then I will write a story just for you all! I know there are a few pictures that I have added on here since I play a Miqo’te in Final Fantasy XIV. Speaking of which, I really should get back in that game, but I have found that I have been trying to play too many games. I am sticking with Diablo III and Dragon Age: Inquisition for a little while till I really finish them up first!
Back to the story though. What the hell are you all looking for when you search for miqo’te erotica? Anything specific? I will do a little looking around and see what I find about their history and what not then see what I can come up with! Would you all like me to create a new character that will go through a few different story lines? Sexual exploits of a Miqo’te Slut in Eorzea?! Sounds like an interesting thought! I will see what I come up with!
~-= Cin =-~
Update: 07/10/19 – You know, this post gets read a LOT, but I still have not recieved any feedback on what you all are looking for in the past 5 years! Is there nothing you are specifically looking for that you would like to read? I would love to start a series about a Miqo’te, but only if yall let me know what type of erotica you are looking for!
by Cindy McIntyre | Dec 25, 2014 | General
Wow. Exactly one month! Well I know it is the day after Christmas, but I do start writing this post on Christmas so that should count! I know I haven’t been around as much as I used to be. Life is just what it is the the moment. I have published two more short stories, as you my have noticed, to and IBooks. I have been working in 3D for a few reasons. Let me know what you think! I have included 2 in this post. I am writing this on my phone so to see if I can do it and see about doing it more in the future as ideas pop into my head! I hope it will help me post more and have fresher ideas!

Cindy Bikini Render 1
So, what did Santa bring everyone? How many of you were naughty enough to really get what they wanted? I guess I was! I got a lot of little things that I wanted! Some toys and a few pieces for outfits that I have been wanting to get! Love them! I also got a nice little NAS to put all my porn on! Have to love that!

Breast Render 1
Anyhow I hope you all enjoy the pictures I have created so far, though I am still working on what I want, these were just tests! Let me know! 🙂
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | Nov 25, 2014 | Rambling

Nude Elf
Ok, I know it has been like forever since I last posted, but I have good reason! I promise! Well, at least it is a good reason to me! I started playing EVE again for a bit and got caught up in a few space battles that lasted a long time and now I am working to build up my fleet so I can go get a few more people back for killing one of my spaceships. Then last week Dragon Age 3 came out and I really couldn’t resist! I have been playing a hell of a lot over the last week! I haven’t gotten into EVE in the past week either. I will get back to doing things normally soon!
I still have a few ideas about some stuff I want to try out with short stories and maybe a full novel. What do you all think about a full novel or a few short stories in the medieval theme? I don’t want to do the Vampire / Werewolf cliche stuff, though that does seem to sell really well, hence twilight and city of glass etc! I don’t know what the hell I am going to do, but elves, humans, maybe a few dwarves, gnomes thrown in for no apparent reason. Let me know! Wish more people would comment! 🙂
See you all again soon! Love you!
~-= Cin =-~