by Cindy McIntyre | Oct 12, 2014 | Reality Kings

Mia and Brandi Kiss for the Camera
So, I am sure you can see that there has been a lot of changes to the site. I am trying out a new look! What do you think?! I think it is a little easier to read and gives me a little more lee-way in editing the layout and the styles and what not! Anyhow, this new look will stay for a bit until I look at it long enough to notice anything I would like to change or I get a bunch of feedback letting me know there is something I absolutely have to change!
The next scene I want to share with you is from another site on the Reality Kings website! The site is called Moms Bang Teens. It is a bit of a misnomer though as it is always a step-mom or a neighbor that is older. But, in “reality” I guess you aren’t going to really want a real mom doing that sort of thing huh?! There are a LOT of videos on the site where the step-mom comes home while her step-daughter is blowing her boyfriend or whatever and then the mom gets upset and “teaches them a lesson” so to speak. Others are the step-daughter and step-mom are “really close” and invite one of the step-daughters boyfriends over to “share”. Those are the ones that I like, and they are usually not over acted or anything. One of their latest ones was really over acted and took away from the video A LOT! Anyhow this one that I am going to share with you is a REALLY good one, and the “Mom” in this one is really hot! She is in a lot of different videos on different sites. I even saw her once on Naughty America 4k (but again, the quality was shit compared to this one!)
So this one has Brandi (the Mom I was just talking about) as Mia’s step-mother. Bah, here is the description from the website!

Mia and Brandi Surprising Mia’s Boyfriend
Mia and her step mom, Brandi, were conversing about Mia’s boyfriend. Mia said that he was inexperienced and needed some lessons on how to please her. Mia explained how the sex with him was nothing like sex with her step mom, Brandi. They began kissing and they took the action to the bath tub. They licked each other’s pussies nicely. Then, Brandi told Mia to call her boyfriend to come over. He came over and found them naked in bed. Brandi grabbed him and told him he needed to learn how to please a women. He was willing to learn and she showed him how to lick her pussy and asshole. They sucked his cock and then they took turns getting pounded in their pussies. Brandi got that man juice all over her face and she told her step daughter that he would definitely be better at pleasing her now.
As you can see it is a hot little scene! Once Brandi gets Mia’s boyfriend to shoot his load all over her face she shares it with Mia just to be a good sport! Love this scene! I will share more of these with Brandi in them later on! Hope you enjoy it!

Brandi Covered in Mia’s Boyfriends’ Juices
Love you all!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | Oct 6, 2014 | Movie, Review

Lily hanging out with Malena next to the fire
Alright, I don’t usually do this, but hell with it! I am going to start! I am a member of a few porn sites and I love them all! Of course, I am a freak and a huge horny toad! If you don’t like it, why the fuck are you reading this?! So I am going to share a few of my favorite scenes and movies and hopefully you will enjoy them as well!
This time I am going to let you know about a lesbian scene with one of my favorite models, Malena Morgan! The scene is called Cum Squat, though I really don’t think that is a great name! It is a BEAUTIFUL Scene, but the name doesn’t show that at all! These two girls hanging out next to the fire in beautiful lingerie (I would love to look this good in lingerie!!!) Anyhow, this is what the scene is described as on the site!

A lovely kiss between Lily and Malena
Malena and Lily had a great weekend together and they wrapped it up with a hot sex session. They were hanging out and looking very sexy in their underwear. Soon after, they were kissing and rubbing each others luscious bodies. They licked each others pussies and Malena munched on Lilys asshole while playing with her pussy. It was a wonderful weekend.
That about covers the scene from head to toe (so to speak!) As you can see in the image below Malena is a master pussy eater and had Lily screaming in no time! I hope you all check out the scene and enjoy it as much as I did!
Love you all!!!!
~-= Cin =-~

Lily screaming through an orgasm at Malena’s Tongue
P.S. Yes, you have to sign up for the site, this particular one is Reality Kings (they have a load of types of sites under their sign up as well). I have been a member there for more than 2 years now and I pay 99$ / year! It is so worth it! The really nice thing is you can get access to this site and then pay like 49$ or 69$ (depending on if you can wait for a special or if you are just too horny to wait) to other sites that have videos that are just as high of quality! And you will have access to those other sites for as long as you remain a member of Reality Kings. So you keep your RK membership going and you have access to whatever other site you buy for 50 – 70$ for that long, it is a great deal, especially if you wait for the specials that change each month or so!
Join here and help me out! Join Reality Kings
by Cindy McIntyre | Oct 2, 2014 | General

Great Ass and Heels
Well, it is another day and I am no closer to getting the book out! So many things going on in regular life that things just take so much longer! Anyhow you haven’t come to read about me bitching! So let’s see what else has been going on in the world and where things are going in my quest to get the book out!
I haven’t had the chance to write a diary entry in a while either, but that is quite obvious! Facebook has seen the error of their ways with the real name thing I guess. It will be interesting to see what happens with that and how they fix it on their end. Shesh! I have no clue what to talk about tonight!
Ok, let’s talk about porn sites! I used to design and code websites for various types of porn sites. I was going to work with a local girl to do a site for her work but she decided to do a career change and that ended. I have written many lead sites to other porn sites like BangBros and what not, but I wasn’t really impressed with their sites as far as what I was into, so that kinda stopped for a while. (Speaking of all this, I really need to redesign this site don’t I?!) After I stopped doing the porn sites for very little money and sending traffic all over the place and not using it myself, I started doing photography with some local girls. This stopped after I lost the room for my studio (Which I hope to get back early next year!!! I am excited about that!)
So we are in 2014 and Samsung and Sony have the market in 4K TVs. There is very little content in 4K, but of course the porn industry is going to lead the way with content, and they have already released a LOT of videos in 4K, but
Current 4k Porn Videos SUCK!
current 4K porn videos suck!!!!! OMG! I was over at Naughty America and they have a lot of 4K videos, but they really look bad on a 4K TV! I love the 1080P video’s from Reality Kings and Wicked so far. The TV will upscale 1080P to 4K and those videos are done so much better and the lighting is much better that it puts the 4K from Naughty America to shame, VERY BADLY!
I have been waiting a long time for HUCCIO to release their site, as the videos they have posted as teasers have been absolutely amazing, but we haven’t heard anything from them in 5 or 6 months! WTF?! I hope they release the site soon and their videos aren’t as bad as Naughty America, there are a few other sites out there but I haven’t checked them out yet, I will thought and let you know!
Ok, about me and the things that I have been up to! I am writing still, I promise. I haven’t been able to do much more with the book and I don’t have a real place to sit and re-write it the right way, but I will get back to it! I have been writing a few short stories that I may just release as individual stories for sale. I have a few friends that have been doing this and doing a good job with the .99 e-book rather then doing 5$ for a group of stories. I think I will try this out and just release a LOT of different types of stories rather then a group of the same type of stories. Speaking of which! What type of stories would you all be interested in? Let me know in the comments!
That is it for tonight loves!
by Cindy McIntyre | Aug 2, 2014 | SecondLife

Talaris showing off her lovely cock and boobs!
So, I was wandering around in SecondLife and found a contest going on at a place I used to go, which was different this time since it had been so long since I went there. It was a different type of club, but they were having a contest so I stuck around and won a few dollars! Guess I had some of the better boobies in the room that night! (You can let me know, I am incluing pictures for you in this post! heheh Anyhow, I met a girl there who told me she was a dancer at another club and she invited me to the club for a bit. So I ran over there to check it out while she was on the pole. She was swinging her ass around and we were listening to some music when her Master showed up. She was a hottie! But, I digress. While we were talking and dancing a few other girls walked in and were dancing on the other poles. It took me a little while to realize it but they had boobs to die for and a little extra between their legs! It was a shemale club! It isn’t the only on that I had been to in SecondLife but it was a good one! The ladies were amazing! They were full of life and talkative. It was fun! I have been back a few more times, but it wasn’t as fun as the first time. There are chairs there that you can lay down in and put your feet on the back of the chair! It’s comfy! Great place to hang out and chat and watch some really nice looking girls shake their stuff! I will update this post later with a SLURL to the place! I am not in the game right now!

Talaris showing off her rack
So, now on to the sweepstakes! I have a friend that works for and they are doing a survey thing and they asked me to give yall the link so you can help them out! It is obviously having to do with buying a house or renting an apartment! So go do the survey and let them know what you would be looking for were you looking for one of those! You have a chance to win $500 once you finish the survey! Help out my friend please!!!!! LINK: And let me know if you win the $500! I would really like to know! That would be fucking awesome!!!!