by Cindy McIntyre | Jul 27, 2014 | SecondLife

Talaris’ new look July 2014
Well, I have been playing around in SecondLife for a little bit again. Visited a lot of old places that are no longer there. The place that was in my first story about Talaris was still there though! I haven’t talked to the owner and none of the people that were there were there when I was there years ago, but Meh. I will find someone sooner or later that was there back then! I may start dancing again if I can talk to the owner! Then I will let you all know so you can come see me and I can get you off! WHEEE!!!!!!
Ok, so now ideas about stories. I know you are all waiting for the novel (The Introduction of Jessica), but that is going to take some time as I don’t have a working space any more. I have to wait for a while to get that back! Once I do then I will continue going through and cleaning it up! But damn, it is a LONG book and I need to start writing some shorter stories! So, I have two ideas, though I don’t know how short they will be! First is a guy goes on a business trip and gets the chance to dress in drag outside his house for the first time and has a few trysts at his hotel! I think I can keep that one shorter, but still who knows! Now, the other one was thought up when I was talking with a friend of mine from high school! She was a waitress at a strip club for a while and she told me a few of her stories from there. I started thinking up about a girl who’s a waitress at a strip club but never really gets on stage or anything like that or anything really at the club other then working there till a club party goes down and she really lets loose on the stage. I think that one could be short, but there is a LOT that could go into it, making it a lot longer if I just let it keep going.
So, those are my thoughts on new stories and what’s going on! I hope you all come to SL and say Hi! you know who I am in there! (Talaris Sweetwater) Also if you have any ideas you would like made into a story, let me know! I have to do more transgender stories and cross dresser stories! I know I do, but the novel took a lot of that out of me! I just need a break from it to really clean it up! I haven’t forgotten and I will not let it just go away! I will keep you up to date as I get going on it again in the future! I’m sorry if you are waiting for it!
by Cindy McIntyre | Jul 13, 2014 | SecondLife

Second Life Beauty
You know, when I first started writing, it was because of some of my encounters in SecondLife. This whole website and all the stories in the beginning were based on what I had done in SecondLife. I find it funny that I haven’t been in the game in more than a year and I have sold all my land in the game. I haven’t logged in in quite a while, and definitely haven’t done anything “fun” in the game in a even longer. The first erotic story that I wrote was about my character Talaris Sweetwater, who was an escort in the game. She had made a lot of lindens escorting and just generally being a great story teller. I was able to describe settings and how things were going and what the two characters were doing to each other and what not. People paid a lot for that sort of thing. Usually it was just to get off quickly and they would move on and log or what not. There were a few people that I kept up with for a while, but even they moved on just like I have. I have been thinking about getting back into it a little, but not sure that there is a user base that would support an escort service that stands alone.
I had worked on building houses, and making clothing, lingerie and other items (even a skin or two that were really nice!), but I couldn’t compete with the larger companies or people who had larger stores in the game (Loved my Neko stuff!!!). I really hoped that it would have gone better in the game, but who knows maybe in the future something will really take off with the Oculus Rift or something that will bring the game back around for the more intimate encounters!
Anyhow back to the original thought I had that started this post! I was wondering if anyone who visits this site had been to SecondLife recently? I have a huge background in it and thought I would share!
I started in SecondLife very very early on. I got to see the big corporations come in and build their islands and then leave. I got to see the addition of meshes and various new building blocks that added functionality and definition to a rather square world. It was really going neat. I started building clothes and skins and some houses and what not, and did a few web sites for it, and then got a few sales on the marketplace. It was fun, but of course, I was more about the sex in the game. There was just so much that could be done and you could really live out your fantasies in the game. It was great! I started as a dancer at an adult bar, then moved on to escorting and that was where I found my words. I was really good at setting the stage and playing out the game. I loved it when guys would pay for a lap dance that would turn into a lot more and the detail I was able to give them. I am sure that more than one of them were able to get off more than once, if not more than twice during one of our little escapades!
After doing that for a while I was asked to write some stories for an in game magazine. I wrote about three stories, and then the magazine ended up going away (or the person that ran it did!). It just seemed that the whole user base was shrinking A LOT! I wasn’t getting the escort business that I used to, and when people were interested, they didn’t want to pay. I am sure most of that was because there were so many others out there that were giving away the goods for free, though I am sure they weren’t as detailed or explicit as I was at the time. Who knows. I may go back and find a huge underground adult community there!
Once again I get off on a different line of thought! I wrote my first story that was included in the first set of short stories about Talaris Sweetwater and then a few of the other stories that I had written for the magazine. I added a couple more stories and released the first book! Then I kept writing short stories, and found that there was more to write to one of the stories and ended up with the Introduction of Jessica, which is being re-written right now doing the second draft! It is over 100k words and will be a beautiful novel when it is done! I hope you all stick around for that! I have also written a few more short stories in the mean time and have a few ideas for a couple others. Those stories will be put together in another short stories book and released on Amazon and what not just like the last! I don’t know when, but I am hoping in the next year the Novel will be done and the next group of short stories will be done as well!
Alright, that is enough for now! I just wanted to make sure you all know I am still around and still working on things on this side! Hope you stick around and are looking forward to the release of the Introduction of Jessica as much as I am!!!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | Jun 2, 2014 | General

Panties Down
Ok, I know what you are yelling at me! I am very sorry! It has been way too long since I have updated you on what is going on! I had let you know last time that I was working on the rough draft to red line and update it! I am done redlining chapter one. There is going to be a LOAD of changes to the book. There was a lot that was thought of later that I need to move to the front and there are a lot of things that were said that didn’t make sense after things were talked about later in the book and looking forward to the next book (if I decide to do it!)
I have a shit ton of things going on in regular life and it is really causing me to have to slow down and take a few days to myself. I haven’t been able to rewrite the first chapter yet, but I will get to it. I haven’t forgotten yet! I just have too much crap going on with work and life in general! I will try to update you more often, but I can’t promise this time! I will let you know as soon as I have something I can share!
Love you all!!! I still do really!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | Apr 22, 2014 | Book

Introduction of Jessica Rough Draft Printed!
Alright! I have got the rough draft finished and printed for the Introduction of Jessica! The mauscript is THICK! In the image below you can see a quarter at the bottom of the picture on it’s side and see that the manuscript is about 1.5 times the width of a quarter thick. Going to take some time to red line that damn thing! I have already started though! I will try to keep you up to date on that and the new short stories as well! Hope you are as excited as I am!
Introduction of Jessica with a Quarter to show the thickness!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | Apr 21, 2014 | Book

Beautiful Photo of a Beautiful Woman
Well my friends, it is that time! I have gotten to the end of the last chapter for “The Introduction of Jessica”! I still have a lot of work to do on the story and updates and additions throughout the whole thing. There is so much information that I have thought about and how I can build on Jessica’s personality and back story and what not! I hope to keep the book to a reasonable size, but that is going to be secondary to getting the story right and “fleshing out” Jessica. I may tone back some of the sex scenes as well, but that remains to be seen! I hope that you have taken the time to read the first four chapters that I had posted on the site, because they are going away as of today! I need to take them down as there is going to be huge changes to all of the chapters of the book and I don’t want the old ones hanging around anymore.
I have started working on another short story, but the novel is taking precedence right now since it is so close to being done and I have a good idea of where it is going. I have a lot of ideas still for short stories, but I am still waiting to hear from my readers about anything they like or would like to read about! Let me know in the comments or send me a message on G+ or Facebook! I want to hear from you all!
I also have another idea, I was thinking about selling my book (when it is ready for sale) as a signed version for bitcoin! What do you all think about that? Would you use your bitcoin to buy a signed version of “The Introduction of Jessica”? I really would love to hear feedback on that idea!
Anyhow I think that is enough for now! I can’t wait to hear from you all!
~-= Cin =-~