by Cindy McIntyre | Dec 18, 2013 | General
Well, I haven’t had much chance to do any writing these past few weeks. I have been working on various things dealing with Bitcoin. I have been learning about the various types of coins and how to mine them and what they are etc. There are a LOT of alternate coins. Bitcoin is on a bit of a roller coaster at this time. China has changed their view on it and pretty much banned it. Though they haven’t outright banned it, they made it really difficult to get RMB in and out. Anyhow I just wanted to write and let you all know what is going on. I hope to get back to the book soon! Have a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year if I don’t get back to write again before then!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | Dec 10, 2013 | General

A Beautiful Ass
Well, it has been a little while since I was able to update you on the story. This time I am happy to say it is coming along quite nicely! I have been able to write a little more on the last chapter of the book and have gotten things ready for the re-write and what not that I will have to do after this chapter is done. There is still a lot that I want to tell in this tale, so there may be another book coming after this one. But I think that our next one will be a conglomeration of the short stories that I have written since the last book. I have a couple more short stories that I wish to write, then I should have about six or so to put in the next book. We will have to see if that is enough to justify a full book or if there will have to be more. I haven’t forgotten about the other book I had in mind about the college girl and the magical powers she has, not to mention the sexual awakening she encounters! I still have a long way to go on that one, and really need to get started on it.
Any how, bitcoins. WTF! They are volitile as hell, but if you can play the stock market, you can play the bitcoin game. It went from 1200, to 550, to 1050 to 900 and now is back up to 1050 or so all in a week or so. Well, whatever, I think it is all good and a good waste of time when I am not writing or doing photography and videos!
At any rate, I hope you are having a great week and are looking forward to a great Christmas!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | Nov 30, 2013 | General

Ok, well I have started writing the 7th Day for The Introduction of Jessica. I have also started doing a few things to get ready for the revising and rewriting phase after this chapter is done. I need to remind everyone that once the revising and rewriting starts I will be taking down the first four chapters that are up on the site here, so if you want them you better get them soon! (Or at least read them!) The finished version will be a little different, due to publishing rules and regulations etc and there will be some major rewriting based on how things ended up in chapter 5 – 7 that effect the beginning, so have to fix it!
On a completely different note, I have started mining BitCoins! Why the hell not right? I should have probably started a lot earlier then now, but oh well, better late then never. Who knows what a BitCoin will be worth in the future, they have gone from 10$ at the beginning of the year to over $1,100 this past week! Maybe next christmas I will have a couple of them an they will be worth $10,000 and I can pay off my damn school loans! As it is, the person that is hosting my blog is accepting BitCoins for payment! If you would like to you can pay him for me! Any amount you can give will help, even 0.0001 BTC! I would hope that the free stories I put here are worth that much to some of you! Below are some links for you (that will help me out, by helping him out or just me!)
My BitCoin Wallet: 16ftyeEKa2rXDZzhWi59jRYrxiMaKRk7T1
My NMC Wallet: N3gGpT2z7bos51BhJj8uxTDiHE1YExjmKZ
My BitCoin Wallet BarCode:

Dalamar’s Cloud Mining:

(Please donate to Dalamar or Start Mining your Own on the cloud! It helps me pay my server tab! XOXOXO!)
by Cindy McIntyre | Nov 23, 2013 | General

Long sexy legs in stocking and high heels
Well, I have been working on Day 6 of the Introduction of Jessica for the past couple of days. I told you I would and I guess I have kept that promise at least! It has been a while and the writing is going a bit slower as I am trying to make sure I follow the story well enough that I don’t have to completely re-write it before I publish it! As it is, there is going to be a LOT of re-writing going on!
I was going through this site and updating some of the pages and settings and looking at the stats of some of the visitors and the search terms that people used to get here. There was a search term that caught my eye. It was “fuckmerawandcuminsideme” all one word, just like that. I don’t know how the hell that one would get you to this site, but it sounded great! I love the feeling of a cock spewing it’s juices inside me, whether it’s my ass or my mouth! But, still it caught me a little off guard seeing that as a term that got someone to my site!
At any rate, what would you all like to see posts about? Any movies or pictures you have seen? Any interesting fetishes? I want to hear from you all a little more and don’t know what you would really like to read about. Let me know in the comments or e-mail me (you know how!) Also, if you find a post or page with an error or what not on the site, please let me know! It is always different for everyone depending on the browser and whether you are logged in or not!
Anyhow! I look forward to your comments and e-mails!
Love ya!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | Nov 20, 2013 | General

One Fine Ass
Ok, well once again I have dropped the ball on keeping yall updated! I promise I will try harder. I just really haven’t had much to report lately! I have been doing real life stuff that didn’t involve this side of my life for a little while now. I do have a few updates though! First lets discuss the book and some stories.
The Introduction of Jessica had been put on hold while I worked out a few things in my normal life. I will hopefully be able to get back to it this week and maybe finish up Day 6 before this month is out. I really hope so, I am kinda anxious to get started on Day 7 and wrapping up this particular book. I think there is a huge chance for a follow on book after this one. Don’t really want to say too much about the ideas for that or else I will give away too much from Day 7!
Ok, On to other things that have been happening! I met with a local cross dresser and took some images with her. She was great! It was a fun time. I really have to get going on working on the images and getting them to her! We also talked about some stories that she is writing and I brought up the option of both of us collaborating on a story or two! I am not sure if anything will come from it, but I think it would be a fun time and something really cool will come of it if we do get that project off the ground!
Anyhow, that about covers everything that has been going on. Like I said it isn’t much. I hope to have more posts and more to tell you coming sooner then I have been doing recently. Just a lot of regular life getting in the way and not enough time to get everything done that I really want to do! Not to mention that I am lacking a great deal of enthusiasm at the moment, though I am getting that back!
by Cindy McIntyre | Oct 28, 2013 | General

That is one huge dildo in her ASS!!!!
Well, nothing much has changed I guess. I am working with a local girl on her website, there is a lot of shit to deal with on the legal side, but right now I am working through some of the other things that most people won’t see. Admin areas and how the different sets of images and videos will be uploaded, trying to make it as easy as I can for her. She will create a new set, entering the information like the title, description etc. Then the images and video will be uploaded by dragging and dropping them on the webpage from her computer. She will be able to change the order by just dragging them around. The video will be updated automatically from whatever she uploads to the three main HTML5 video types and if I can it will be backed up with Flash Video for those horny ass guys that don’t have enough time to drop their cocks and go get an updated computer. You know you are out there, don’t even try it! You are still on an old Pentium 450 mhz computer with a tube 13 inch monitor! (Oh dear god, please don’t let that be true!)
Anyhow, there is a lot of programming since I am doing it by hand rather then relying on other people (or plugins or addons or anything like that) so that she will have a completely custom website and it will work exactly how she wants it to work! It is going to be sweet! I just hope she likes it! I am always up for others who want to do a project too! I am really getting into doing the video thing. I have been working on learning how to use Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects. It is awesome! I just created my first video in those programs this past weekend and it was SWEET! I hope that I can do some really hot videos with this girl I am working on the website for too!
At any rate that is about it for now! I hope you all are enjoying the World Series and my blog! Leave me a message or two sometime! See you around the network!
Love ya!
~-= Cin =-~