by Cindy McIntyre | Oct 19, 2013 | General

Sweet Tits
Well, it has been a little while since I have had anything to let you all know about. I have started working on a website for a local girl, she is very hot, and she loves some of her fetishes! I saw that she had a website that she paid someone to write for her, and it was awful. I told her I would work with her to update it and try to make it a place that people would like to visit and watch her do her thing. We have fixed her site as it was somewhat, it still has a few things that need updating on it, but I have decided to re-write the whole thing from the ground up for her and try to get some better quality pictures and video of her for the site. Hopefully that will be happening soon. I have a LOT of work to do to get the site written and get everything in “lawful” order hehe. Anyhow I will let you all know when it is done!
I had some furniture delivered today, and one of the movers saw some of my photographs and asked me what I did for a living. I let him know that I did photography and video on the side and he asked if I would like to video a Rap Music Video. I think that is going to be fucking fun! I can’t wait to get started on something like that! Can’t imagine how much work that is going to be though!
I did write a little bit on Day 6 of the Introduction of Jessica. I didn’t get much done, but I am up to the point of some of the sex scenes, just have to be in the mood to be able to write those and get them good. Maybe I can talk Chase (the girl from earlier in this post) to act out some of my scenes! :-p i think it would be so fun to write a porn from the ground up and video it, and edit it etc. That would be AWESOME! Anyhow, I will get back to writing as soon as I can and will keep you all up to date on that as well!
Love ya!
by Cindy McIntyre | Sep 28, 2013 | General

Hiding a little something in some Sexy Lingerie
Well, it has been almost a month since I last updated this thing. I really have to keep up with it, but not as much has been going on that I thought you would want to be updated on! There is a lot going on, just nothing really interesting I guess! The new 4K TV’s are coming down in price, so I think I am going to get one, around the time the PS4 comes out. That will about finish off everything for buying for a while. I don’t think I will have any money for about a year after that. See I told you it wasn’t that interesting! 🙂
I haven’t gotten back to writing yet since my last update. I have kept a few notes about a few more stories. I still have a lot of work to put into them before they are ready to be written. I think I just need to have some time and feel decent enough to sit down and write out all the thoughts and figure out how I am going to write them down. There is a lot that goes into the writing that I do, and it’s probably more then I really should be doing. Not to mention how everything is changing on Amazon and Barnes and Noble… Just some things that have to be done and then done again, and done again etc. I will get back to the main novel, and then there is going to be a good amount of time re-writing bits and pieces and making sure all the different chapters go together and the timeline is right, then maybe it will be ready to go out for publishing!
Photography, yeah I know it is first in the title, but getting to it a little late. I am working on changing a bunch of things in my life and one of them is the fact that I have always wanted to do erotic photography. Problem is, in this area it is near impossible to get into it. I don’t know exactly what I am going to do, but I am going to go forward and see where I get. I have a few ideas, but nothing concrete and I don’t know exactly what type of erotic photography I am going to be interested in. I am going to try to shoot as many different types as I can, and just see how it works out. I really hope to get some really good art type of photography. I hope that I can continue to grow in that area and one day it will grow to be a great business. We will have to see.
by Cindy McIntyre | Sep 1, 2013 | General

Sexy Miqo’te
I’m sorry it has been so long since I last wrote. Last I wrote was a new story, and then I started writing again on the novel. The Introduction of Jessica is coming along again, as best it can with playing Final Fantasy XIV. I got caught up in the beta, then early access, now the full release this past week. The servers have been a pain in the ass, since they didn’t think there would be such a turn out, but they were wrong! The servers are almost always full, so when I do get in, I stay in for hours. More on that in a little bit.
I started another short story about a cross dresser that is going out of town on business and will get the chance to dress and we will just have to see what happens with that! I have written some more on the sixth chapter of “The Introduction of Jessica”. I am still not anywhere near being done, but I think it should come along just fine now that I have a good idea of where that chapter is going to go. I have to keep in mind that a lot is going to change in the final version so that I don’t have to rewrite even more after I start to clean up the story for publication. I hope I can get it published by the end of the year, but well, we will see how that turns out!
So I am playing Final Fantasy XIV. I started out with a sexy ass Miqo’te, since you all know me, have to be sexy where I can, even if that means I have to do it in a game! Well, after I played her for a little while I decided it would be fun to create a short Lalafell Archer. This character has been the most fun that I have had in a game in a long time, they are just so damn cute!!!! Anyhow, I have been spending a lot of time in game and trying to learn as much as I can about the game. The Lore is pretty neat and deep. The whole game is just very addictive!
Anyhow that is about it for now, I will try to get going a little more on the short story and the novel both and get the short story up here on the site and keep you updated on the novel!
Love ya!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | Aug 7, 2013 | General

Sexy Ass
Well things are going along and I am working on my real estate licence! Work is work of course, and I haven’t had much time to work on the new story, but I have started it and I have a good idea where it is going to go, so I shouldn’t get caught up too much when I do get the time to work on it some more! The classes for the licence are taking time away from my writing, but I will get back to it soon! I will hopefully have more ideas for some more short stories as well in the near future, i have been talking to some people on Adult Friend Finder and some of those chats have rendered a few light ideas that need to be “fleshed out” so to speak! I will let you know more as it comes up! Just thought I should update you since it has been about a week!
Love ya!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | Jul 30, 2013 | General
Well this is something different! I haven’t posted from word on this blog yet, but I guess there is always a time to start! I have been wanting to write this for a while now! GaymerConnect starts this weekend! August 3rd and 4th! What exactly is it? Well think about it! Gaymer is Gay Gamer, GaymerConnect is the first LGBT Gamer Conference! It is being held in San Francisco! I think this is awesome! I don’t know what else to write about it though except to give you a link to the website! Go check out the break outs and see what is being discussed, there are a lot of good ones out there! If you are in the neighborhood, you should probably stop by!
I am stuck on some stuff in Day 6 of the Introduction of Jessica. I will get through it, but right now I think I am going to write another one of those short stories to add to the new book and put up here for y’all while you wait for the full novel. I haven’t even really started on the other novel as I really want to finish with Jessica. I think there are a few things going on in the story that are going to make for a second book after this one! I hope so, and I hope you all are excited about getting your hands on the first one at least! Anyhow, Time to get going on that short story and get that thing out this week at least!
Love yall!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | Jul 2, 2013 | General

Girlfriend’s Mom Irons My Shirt!
Ok, once again! I am so sorry that there hasn’t been any more stories posted or any updates in a while. I have been doing a lot of things across the board and things are just getting to be too much! I promise that I will get my shit together and get things going again!
I have decided to start up my photography again. I have found some studio space near here and will be using that for photo shoots. I have decided on doing portrait shoots starting at $75 for an hour and $25 more for each extra person in the shoot or each extra hour of the shoot. Prints and Digital Photos will be extra, but they will be worth it! I hope that I find a few transgendered people or crossdressers in the area that wish to do some shoots sometime! If you are in Va Beach and want to do a shoot please let me know!
As for the stories, there is nothing really new working here, there is of course the Introduction of Jessica, I am done with Day 5, and have started on Day 6. Day 6 is new to my idea since I wasn’t expecting to do it this way, so the story is going to be a little bit longer then I had originally planned, we are now looking at a 500 page book! I so can’t wait to get this out to you all and see what you think! It will be a while thought, but I promise that I am working on it! There are of course the three short stories that I have been thinking about, the one when I come home from work and the wife has a little present for me, there is another that my partner wanted me to write about, and then the business trip. There is also the longer story about a girl going to college. Not sure how much that is going to get done in the near term, but I am writing down ideas for it! I think it is going to be a long one just like Jessica, but maybe not THAT long!
Lets see, there is the jewelry as well. I have been working on getting everything I need and working on a program for Jewelry Design Management since I am a programmer every day anyhow. Can’t stop programming. If I didn’t have a day job I may be able to get all this stuff done! I was also thinking about walking through a jewelry design and writing a very short instruction book on how to make it, and if that works out then I will do more instructions over time. That is a lot of writing with the books and everything that I am doing!
Anyhow, I hope you like the image, it links to a gallery hosted by RK, I hope that you click it and check it out, the images are really hot and there is a video clip too. The full movie is hot as fuck, love it! Just something about Mom’s doing Teens that is hot as hell for me! Anyhow, please sign up if you really like it and for 17$ a month you can’t beat it! All the help yall give me in this manner (or any manner for that manner! lol) goes toward me getting the book out and keeping this website going!
Love you all!!!!!
~-= Cin =-~