by Cindy McIntyre | Jun 19, 2013 | General

Sharing is Divine!
Well, as you can see from the title there has been a lot going on recently. I have been writing a little here and there trying to keep the stories moving forward, but I haven’t been getting as far as I would like. I did get a little farther in Day 5 of Jessica’s story, almost done with that day, though I keep adding more and more to each day. It could end up being a HUGE novel by the time I am done! I added a little to another one of the stories that I am writing about a little surprise when I came home from work. Things are moving along slowly, but will pick back up again. I have had a lot more energy lately so I have been doing a lot of other things on top of writing.
Jewelry. Well I made a little mistake and ordered way way too much from my distributor. I am getting a LOAD of parts to make new jewelry. I need to make a lot of pieces to make up for the mistake in the order! I will post some of the items up on here but I think I am going to try to sell them on Etsy, since that seems to be the place to sell hand made crafts and jewelry. I may do some photography to put up there as well, who knows, maybe I will even pose for some of the abstract prints. Of course, the prints being abstract, you will never be able to know if it were me or not, so you will just have to take my word for it.
As for programming, well there are always ideas running through my head. Right now since the jewelry is on my mind, I figured I may try to design a nice little piece of software to help design and manage a small company for jewelry design. Who knows, it may work out at some point! I know there are some other pieces of software out there, but they are over priced for what they are and they really aren’t that great (look like they were designed in the 70’s and programmed in the 80’s!)
Gaming. I know it is a waste of time, but it is a great release. I have been beta testing Final Fantasy XIV: A realm reborn. It is absolutely beautiful, so I have that going. I have bought “The Last of Us” but haven’t even been able to put it in the PS3 yet! WTF?! I will try it out at somepoint in the near future! I have also looked into the Red Light District to see if anyone on there is worth talking to and getting a little action with. I haven’t seen anyone there.
Oh well, that about covers everything that is going on with me, I hope that you have had a great week since my last post! I hope to talk to yall again soon and have more to tell about the stories and be further along next time! Nite nite!!!!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | Jun 13, 2013 | General
There are a lot of things going on! I know I haven’t written for yall in a while, but there are a lot of things that have been going on that have kept me from writting for the site! I will get back to it though I promise! I have figured out some more for the next chapters (well the next next chapter since this chapter was going to be split into two!) I am going crazy with that. There are so many things I want to write about that I have just reached an overload for a little while. I will get back to it! I promise everyone!
Facebook has finally had it’s money pulled for putting ads next to various “not so nice” pictures and posts. I agree with the hate posts, I wish those fuckers would disappear from the face of the planet,I would love to have no hate, but shit happens and there is hate in the world, and people don’t want their ads on the same page as hate. I know I don’t, but they are taking this chance to put shit against porn and sex as well. This sucks. But I can see how that would be a good thing too for Facebook. Not so great for us. Facebook is probably going to try to get rid of posts like the one that links to this blog and various other things along the same lines. I think that suck too! Well we will just have to wait and see what they come up with and how it effects us.
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | May 19, 2013 | General
Well once again it has been a little while since my last post. I know I know, I keep telling you I will post more, but wouldn’t you rather I work on the stories? I am just about done with two of the short stories for putting up on the blog and on Lush! I hope you all have found the time to get over there and read more stories, there are thousands there of every type! At any rate, I will give you a little heads up on one of the stories that I will be posting in the near future. A guy is getting home from work and finds a woman sitting in his wife’s lap in the living room. What the fuck?! I will leave the rest to you! heheh Hope you have a great weekend and look for the story soon!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | May 5, 2013 | General

Hot legs in heels and panties on the bed!
Well, it has been another week almost. My spouse Zander has decided to let me write about one of their fantasies. So I have started working on that story as well, so that will make two new stories for the website and I am working on two novels including the one about Jessica. So there is a lot of writing going on right now and everything is just taking longer, I really need to start focusing on getting one done and then doing the next. We will see how that works out. I have decided to start posting my online stories here and on Lush Stories. You can find my profile at: Hope you enjoy and add me there!
More updates coming soon!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | Apr 28, 2013 | General

The perfect Breast!
Wow, it has been a little while since the last time I have updated y’all and I am very sorry about that! I have been working on The Introduction of Jessica of course, but I started working on another novel. This one is about a girl going to college and will be a story in the world of Mage, Vampire, Werewolf etc. It isn’t the same sort of thing as Twilight, and of course it is going to be a little more erotic then that anyhow. Mage and the others are a world for role playing from the White Wolf company called the World of Darkness, you can read more here I think it will be neat, but of course it isn’t going to be done for a while since I want to get Jessica done first and this is going to be a long novel type story as well. I will keep you all informed and maybe post a few snippets as well!
I also have started working on a short story for the website, this one I am not going to tell you much about, I will just fininsh it up and get it posted so you can read it and let me know what you think! I have recieved one input from someone. I mean really one? They like the incest thing. How many people like the incest thing? I know IRL it is illegal and not many are going to really let everyone know, but I would like to know if we need more of those type stories or what. I would love to have more input either here or on facebook or g+ about what people would like to read in shorts or in longer novels.
Anyhow! I love yall! Hope you are all being patient with the stories, there is a lot to write and a lot to brainstorm! I will try to keep you all updated more often, just need to keep working!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | Apr 15, 2013 | General

Me in a purple top, black skirt and heels from behind! Yes that is my hair!
Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you know what’s going on and let you all know that I posted some new photos up on Flickr at:!!!!!!
This past week has been full of work! I have been working on Chapter 5 for The Introduction of Jessica of course. It is coming along quite well! I can’t wait to publish this book later this summer! I know it will be great! You all do too if you have read the first 4 chapters! There will be some changes in the published version though! So you will have to read that one too, even if you have read the first four chapters! heheh
This weekend I did a LOT of yard work and got everything going out there. Lots of things to do outside when it warms up! I love working in the yard, it makes me feel alive, like I have been hibernating all winter and my body just wants to warm up in the sun! Hmm maybe that will be a good photo shoot sometime! LOL Maybe not! We will see. Anyhow on Saturday (Yesterday) I had the chance to dress again and play a little. I have posted some images up on Flickr of that! I hope you like them!
Anyhow, back to writing and watching Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets!
Love yall!!!!
~-= Cin =-~