by Cindy McIntyre | Apr 5, 2013 | General

She has a little package for you!
I am so sorry that I haven’t written in so long! I have been working on the next chapter for the Introduction of Jessica! I know, that isn’t a good reason for not updating y’all on what’s going on. Things have been going fast, I have been working on a lot of things, and work sucks! I hate the fact that I have to spend so much time there, though I do enjoy what I do! I can’t work on the stories or do any research on them at all while at work. It just makes things go slower. Also it has been Spring Break, so that has thrown my timing off this week, and haven’t been able to get as much done as I would have liked.
Stories, of course I have been doing the Introduction of Jessica. I have been thinking about doing another one for an add on for Friday, but I think that I would like to do a different one before I do that. Not sure which one I would like to do next, so I have just kept working on Jessica. I also have the other Novel that I am researching, though all my research was on the iPad and now I use Android exclusively, so that doesn’t quite work out, I have to figure out how to get my research bubbles into windows or android from the damn iPad.
So personal life, if you all care. I haven’t been able to dress for a while, I had a chance and lost it last week, but I will get some more pictures done in the near future, I hope! I don’t know if you all care about that or not, but I do so :-p. I have also been working on an Android application for helping people keep track of their fish tanks. I am thinking about running a website for it as well that is social and people can help each other when they seem to have a problem. I thought about doing this the last time that I checked the params in my salt tank and had to write everything down, why not just have everything on my phone and then keep track of it on the web and allow me to graph it, warn me when things are going bad, etc. Will be interesting if I get that done while working on the stories!
Anyhow that is it for this entry! Hope you all have a great weekend and hopefully it won’t be as long before my next update!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | Mar 19, 2013 | General

You want a peek at my peak?
Well it has been another week! I have been working on the rest of Jessica’s story. I also am almost done with another story just for the site! I will keep writing just for the site as well, so there are a lot more stories coming! I hope you stick with me! Things have been hectic here and at work! I have a lot of things going on and a lot of things still to take care of, but I hope you don’t think I have forgotten you! I really haven’t and have been working on stories. So soon there will be one up here, hopefully this week, written about a girl at my work and some day dreaming about her. It is my first attempt at writing in the first person, so you will have to forgive me if it is a little off in how it is told, but I am almost ready to post it! I will let you know as soon as I do! anyhow I hope you all had a great weekend and are looking forward to the story and the release of “The Introduction of Jessica” the full novel!
Love ya!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | Mar 13, 2013 | General

These heels are just flat out AWESOME!
I know that everyone is waiting for sexual stories! I am here to tell you it is going to be a little while longer! I am working on one story, another story seems to have fallen through since I couldn’t get more information on it. I have a few other ideas and am still working on the Introduction of Jessica Novel as well! It has been a rough week! I do have a lot of porn that I have collected over the years and have decided that I am going to get rid of the DVDs. I am keeping some of the higher quality movies, but most of the DVDs are going away so I am ripping them down to the computer before I get rid of them and it is taking a LOT of time. I have also been working a lot so it hasn’t been very conducive to me getting stories out as fast as I would like. I may write a quick (very short) short story for yall so you don’t get too antzy waiting for Jessica or the other longer short for the website! I really would like to write a lot of the shorter ones, but need more quick ideas and want to work on the quality of the stories, not just the quantity. I hope yall stick with me and just wait it out while I get things going again!
Love Yall!!!!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | Mar 3, 2013 | General

Cute Neko
Well it has been about a week since I got this site going and everything is finally done, at least for now. I finished up the site and got all the stories and posts back over here to this site and the other site now points here. I hope that everyone likes the new design!
I haven’t started writing the next part to The Introduction of Jessica yet. The hardest part is getting started! Once I get going on it, I hope that it will go much faster! I have three or four other stories that I want to write to and at least two of those are for the site only. I know that one of the new stories will be for publication. I just need to get to work on them!
I would be interested in hearing what yall have to say about the stories! If you like the amount of sex and the amount of detail, if you would like more story and less sex, more sex, less story etc. Do you like the topics? Are there any that you would like to read about? Do you have a situation in mind that you would like to see in a story? I would love to hear about anything you all think about! Let me know in the comments here or on Google+ or Facebook!
I will update yall again when I have started on one of the stories! I really hope to get Jessica’s story done and published soon so you all don’t have to wait too long!
Love ya!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | Jan 22, 2013 | General
Follow my blog with Bloglovin
This is just to update BlogLovin with my information. You are more then welcome to follow this blog there! It will let you know when I do updates, as well as the posts that I put on G+ and Facebook!
Love Yall!!!!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | Jan 21, 2013 | General
Well, it is another weekend over with. Though it was a three day weekend, it still sux that it is over. Back to work tomorrow and normal day routines. I have been working on the next day of the story. It is coming along really well. They are almost done with the day, though there is a lot more to be written, and will probably be the longest chapter so far, so I hope that y’all are looking forward to it! Also I am writing this post in Word 2013. So far it is pretty nice, though the spell check right now sux. Grammar is taken care of pretty well, but the spell check just doesn’t check anything it seems. Though it is a preview, you would think that the spell check would be fine since they have had it in all the previous versions. Oh well, maybe I am just missing something. I am going to be continuing with the story tonight after I finish this post. I am also watching Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part 1. Just something to have on in the background while I write. I love to have movies like Harry Potter and Twilight on when I write. Though sometimes they make me a little sleepy. Ok, since you all would probably hate me if I didn’t start posting pictures again lets see what I have laying around for y’all tonight!
This picture was one that I though of when the two were getting it on in the dressing room. Wonder if Jessica looks that good in your mind when you are reading the stories!
This picture was one that I used as a reference for the corset that Jamie wore in Day 2! Was it what you imagined when you read the story?
~-= Cin =-~