by Cindy McIntyre | Dec 2, 2012 | General

Silver Corset
Ok, it is after 8 pm here. I am sitting her watching Twilight (The first one) and writing more on the story. Things are starting to get to the hot and heavy! Jaime and Jessica are in the dressing room trying things out and Jaime has decided to dress up before they have a little fun, so she goes out to the store and gets them both a full sexy outfit, both having corsets. Jaime’s is a nice silver one and Jessica’s is purple and black!

Purple Corset
 You will have to wait for the next part to see what happens to the corsets, let alone what happens to the two girls in them. Oh yeah, don’t forget about Jaime’s and Jessica’s mothers in the back of the store together alone with a little time to spend, is there anything going on, or are they just back there talking about life? What do you think? LOL
by Cindy McIntyre | Nov 25, 2012 | General

mmmmm Lady Boi and Lady!
Well once again it has been a little bit since my last post. There have been a few things going on since my last post as well. First of all, I have been trying to meet up with a few people and see if we can get some friendships going, but it hasn’t been working out too well. Sometimes the people on the internet surprise me, sometimes they don’t. I guess I will keep trying until they don’t surprise me any longer and I don’t feel like trying any longer. Another things I have been doing is working on various Android applications. One I am working on for Casual Encounters on Craigs list. I am seeing about creating one that will get you lists of posts that you are looking for. I don’t know how it is going to turn out, but it is a good little test of what I can do in Android. Another thing is I am writing this on a Windows 8 Tablet/Netbook from Lenovo. I thought I would try out the Windows 8 thing and it is alright so far, nothing special. There are a lot of live tile applications that I would like to see that aren’t out there yet, but I will wait and see if they show up, if not, then I will try writing one myself and seeing how that turns out! I guess nothing really special is going, but I hope that changes in the near future! I am also working finally on getting the next part to the “Introduction of Jessica” done and up on here for you. I really appreciate you all waiting for it so patiently!!! I hope to hear from yall! Love ya!!!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | Nov 4, 2012 | General

Lovely Strap-on attached to a very hot woman who I would love to use this on me!
Well it has been at least a week since I last updated!  I was down in Florida and internet sucked at the hotel!  Wish I could have met up with someone down there, but things were just really hectic down there!  I have continued to work on the next part of the story for the website, I will be posting that in the near future!  I am of course going to leave this post with a few pictures!  There are a couple of cross dressers in my area that I would love to get together with but I am not sure if they are really the kind to meet, but we will see, I messaged them but haven’t heard back yet.  Figures.  Oh well, I hope that people enjoy the stories on here and make sure that you are all caught up on the story and what not before I post the next part!  Read all the parts of the online here! Don’t forget that there is the e-book and the print book of short stories for you as well!  Have fun and I will continue with the handwritten updates in the near future!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | Sep 13, 2012 | General

  I would love to have my hands on this iPhone
  So, the day has come and it has gone. Apple has announced and demonstrated it’s new iPhone 5. Now let me be clear, I have been using an iPhone since the 3G and iPod Touch before that (Which my kid has now!) When the 3G came out it was leaps and bounds better then the iPhone. Then the 3Gs came out and I couldn’t care less, there wasn’t anything especially cool about it, or better about it in my eyes, so I waited with baited breath for the iPhone 4. This one I got, the camera was better, it was faster and most of all it had the Retina Display (which is also why I upgraded my iPad to the “New iPad” which I am writing this blog post on incidentally!) After this I was waiting to see what they could possibly come up with next! I waited for the next one, and of course the 4s came out and with nothing really floating my boat other then Siri, I decided that I would wait for the next one just like I did last time. Well that new one was announced yesterday, and demonstrated, and touted, and etc. etc. as Apple usually does. Let’s just say that I was a little less than impressed!
  The new features of the phone were the new chip, which is very nice for the gamers out there (which I am, but seriously doubt that Angry Birds needs a chip upgrade to play). A “larger screen” which is 16:9, kinda nice if you watch movies on it, but nothing special, though they say it is beautiful with the 44% better contrast ratio, which I would agree to, but still it’s a phone, not an Adobe Photoshop Appliance! I love the way that the photos look that are taken with the phone, but the camera isn’t anything excruciatingly new! There are a lot of Android Phones out there that have an 8mp camera already. At any rate, I was really hoping for a lot more from Apple, rather then this incremental update which could have been called the iPhone 4S2 or something like that. I do like some of the features of IOS6, but I am getting that on the 4 and the new iPad as well, with Siri on the new iPad. Should be interesting to see what Siri says to me when I mess with her sometime next week!
  What I guess I am trying to say is that I am not happy with the features that Apple has decided to release on this phone and call a Magical Innovative device for all the stuff that is in the phone has been done before by Android. I don’t think that there was anything (at least that matters to me) that I haven’t seen before on an Android, maybe not all of the features together on one phone, but at least have all been out there on a device somewhere. I believe that I am going to be leaving Apple this year for the Galaxy Note 2. I think that it covers more of what I would like to do, and has the features that I would like to see in a phone. I have to play with it though since it is rather large and I want to be sure that it is going to be comfortable to work with.
  Another note about Apple. Steve never wanted porn on his phone (or any of his devices) so there are applications out there like Zinio Magazine reader that work on both the iDevices and PCs. On the PC in Zinio I can read Hustler, or Club or even Playboy if I am feeling rather conservative at that moment. But, on the iDevices these publications are not allowed. There are ways around this of course, but not in the way that they were meant to be distributed. I haven’t checked to see about Zinio on the Android, but I don’t think there is going to be any blocking on there for those publications. Just a thought I guess about how they are tying the hands of the developers and content people out there to make sure they don’t let their devices interfere with their morality, rather than the morality of the consumers taking precedence.
  I just read that the adapters that they are selling to make the iPhone 5 attach to the 30 pin connectors that everyone has will not work with video out or audio out (iPod Out).  These 2 adapters are selling for 29$ and 39$.  I mean really?!  How many cables do we have and how many things we have that connect to our iPhones? Lets just say 4, so with the lowest cost one you are talking about 115$ for the adapters.  So 199 for the cheapest phone then 115$ for the adapters, another 50-500$ for a new iPhone compatible stereo (unless you really went out and got the full surround sound system that takes the 30 pin then you will just be pissed off!)  Then another 20-100$ for a case since it needs one of course. Seriously! You are out another 500-1500$ for a new iPhone that doesn’t really do anything new?!  WTF?!  Not happening here.  I can’t believe that you won’t be able to watch video out like you can with everything from the 3G to the 4s?!  I love watching my porn on my TV upstairs off of the iPhone!Â
by Cindy McIntyre | Aug 12, 2012 | General

This is just an image of me!
It has been a little while since I have updated this site, and I haven’t taken the time to let you all know what is going on and what I am up to. Â First I am working on 3 more websites. Â Though it is something that I don’t want to let yall know about yet 🙂 Â That has been taking up a little time. Â I have also been learning Adobe Creative Suite CS6, so that has been taking up time. Â Right now works sux, so that is taking up valuable time as well! Â At any rate, I have been working on Jessica’s story, since no one has decided to let me know what they would like to see in it, in my last posts, I have decided to move forward with it in my own thoughts and just let it be the way it is 🙂 Â I know that most people just come for the images so I am including one in this post as well! 🙂 Â I hope to have some more updates for you in the near future and hopefully be closer to the end of the next part of Day 2 as well!!!!! Â Hope you like the photo of me! 🙂
Love yall!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | Jul 19, 2012 | General, News / Updates
I guess people are afraid of leaving comments. Â I guess I could understand why that is. Â Most people are afraid of letting others know that they are into erotica or porn. Â They really like to look at the pictures and some read, but most are in for the pictures. Â This makes me sad, since you can get a lot more out of reading and using your imagination to fill in the details that aren’t covered in the stories. Â I hope that the people that read these blog posts enjoy the stories, but I guess I will just have to believe that people are reading them! Â I would love to hear from everyone on here, but if you don’t want to, like I said, I understand. Â If there is something that I can do to make it much easier to leave comments or what not (I guess I could use an anonymous poll!) please let me know and I will see what I can do with it and get it set up better for y’all. I will continue to post some pictures on here, but I hope that you understand that this site isn’t about the pictures, it is all about the stories and the books that I am working on and I really need to know that people are reading them to keep me moving forward with them and creating new ones. Â I will move forward with the story in my own way since I didn’t get any type of comments so far on it, but that is how it is going to be. At any rate, hope you all enjoy it and please leave me comments, e-mail me, find me on facebook or google+ (buttons at the top of the page) and let me know what you think!
~-= Cin =-~