by Cindy McIntyre | May 28, 2012 | General

Sexy ass woman in panties and a tight top
Well I know that I have been promising to get the story a little further along now for about a week! I am sorry! I really am. Real life is really taking a toll on me and there are so many different things going on that need to get done that I just can’t keep them all straight! I started a new job and that is taking a LOT of time of me, then there are home life things going on. I am going over various stories that I am going to include in the next book of short stories! I hope that people are enjoying the first one! I am working on some bracelets and a some photography (not of the erotic kind, just regular landscapes and flowers and what not). Just a lot to do and the weather has been good, so there hasn’t been much time for me to write. I have written a little bit though and there is some coming along and I will try to get the next part out on the website as soon as I can!!!!!
Love yall!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | May 16, 2012 | General

What a perfect ass!
Well, it is Wednesday already. And it is almost over! WTF?! Where has the time gone?
I am working on way too many things at the same time. I am still working on the next online part to The Introduction of Jessica Day 2. I am not sure when it will get to the point I want to release it. I believe it will be soon though! If you have haven’t read Day 1 or the first 2 parts of it please do so! They are in posts on this blog or you can click on the stories link above to get a copy of Day 1 for your iPad or Kindle or whatever you want! I am starting to get things completed on the brainstorming for three stories for the next book. I also have to think about chapter 2 of two of the stories in the first volume that I am going to add to the second volume! (Information on the printed book is available on the Stories page linked above!).
I would love to have everyone on the planet order my book so spread the word! It will give me more incentive to write the next volume. Another story I am working on will be a novel from the get go, so it is going to be a long time before that one is ready, though the brain storming on that one is coming along quite nicely! I think it is really going to be a great sensual and erotic novel! I hope to appeal to more people in this one as well and make it not as EROTIC and in your face sex as the Erotic Short Stories books.
Oh and before I go, something neat happened tonight! I got to see a Great Horned Owl sitting on top of my neighbors house! It was really cool! It was too dark to get a good photograph at the distance so I wasn’t able to, but it would have been really nice to have! What a huge and very beautiful bird!!!
Love yall! XOXOXOX
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | May 13, 2012 | General, News / Updates

Sexy Ass
Well it’s the end of another week and tomorrow is Monday. Of course everybody has to deal with Mondays. I started working on part three day 2 to introduction of Jessica. Things are moving along a little bit but of course it’s going to take a little time to get up to the size of the post that I would like make. This weekend has been very eventful and I hope that I don’t get arrested. One of my neighbors had a little bit of a beef against what I was doing in my backyard. Of course that is a story for another time. I hope that you all will take the chance to read all of the stories that have been posted and if you are really excited about some of my work that you will buy my printed books and that will help me create my next call you and I hope to really come up with some good stories and maybe a continuation or two of the stories that are in the first volume. There’s so much that Grant wants to do and there are so many things that Talaris is going to get into. I hope you’ll have a great night and I will see you on the flipside.
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | May 6, 2012 | General, News / Updates

Nice tits and Legs
Hey there everyone! It has been a great weekend, but of course, it has to end and we have to go back to work on the next day 🙁 I so am not looking forward to tomorrow. I am going to get up at oh dark 30 and go for a run, I have to get rid of about 30 lbs. I feel like a balooga whale… Anyhow, I have been working on the next part of day 2 of Introduction of Jessica. I am sure yall are waiting to see the rest of day 2! I can’t wait! I think you are going to love it! There is a lot going on though and writing a lot and trying to flesh out the novel. I am working on that story of a girl that goes to Purdue and finds out that she has a certain power (mage, for those of you that are familiar with White Wolf!) I think it is going to be awesome! I hope to make that one a novel of at least 200 pages! That is a lot of writing, and trying to keep up with Jessica at the same time should keep me very busy. I hope yall have a great night and I hope to update you more on the stories and everything else that is going on!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | Apr 30, 2012 | General

Wow, long lovely legs... mmmmmm
This is such a nice photo 🙂 Anyhow. I am up and it is early. Another start to another week of nothing special. Today I think that I am going to work on the pages for this site and fill things in and finalize the layout since I don’t have anything worth a shit going on at work. There is so much more that I have to do here on the site and on the stories then I have to do at work it is just getting boring as hell. Though I really do hope that I have a job in the next 30 days! Who knows. Anyhow, happy Monday for those that like them and enjoy their jobs 🙂
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | Apr 29, 2012 | General

Sexy outfit in my opinion!
Gawd I love this thing. Ok. Things are still coming along. I have finally broken through my writers blocking think, with the story for this blog, The Introduction of Jessica. I am also working on a new story that will be more erotic and less XXX then the others. I am also going to write up and introduction to the other stories I have done for the book, so that y’all will have an idea of what I have done! Anyhow, let me know what you think once I start writing them up, and enjoy the story about Jessica when I get it ported over here!
~-= Cin =-~
Update: oops, I forgot the picture for this post!