by Cindy McIntyre | Feb 24, 2015 | News / Updates
Ok, so I have been bad! It’s the 24th and this is the first time that I have written this month! WTF!? I guess I have a few things that I have been up to this month, but I really should have been writing more and playing less! This past week has sucked for weather as well! Last week, Monday night it snowed. It snowed about 5 inches. Then it was around 20 degrees the next few days, then it rained a little. The ice that this created really SUCKED!!!!
What else have I been up to? Well I have been playing Guild Wars 2. It is a beautiful game! I was able to get the computer updated so that it would play games at 4k resolution on the 65″ TV.

Beautiful Statue in Guild Wars 2
This is a beautiful game at 4k! WOW! It is just gorgeous!!! Here is a picture to show just one little piece from the game (at a much reduced resolution! The full size screenshots can be up to about 8 meg jpegs!!!)
Hopefully I will be able to go back to work tomorrow, as it is snowing here again right now, but isn’t expected to stick as much on the streets. Tomorrow though, we are getting 4 to 8 more inches of snow, so that will mean no more work this week probably. We will just have to see if they shut down work again.
Anyhow, I will try to write some more and also get permission to post the other story that I had finished for my friend (whom I haven’t heard from in a while! Hope they didn’t get in trouble!!!) I will write again soon!
Love yall!!!!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | Jan 3, 2015 | News / Updates
Well, it is a new year now. Welcome to 2015! Things haven’t changed much, but I guess I need to make a resolution or two. Let’s see, first resolution I think will be to do more than one or two posts a month. It would be nice to do one a week at least! I will try to do something like that! Another resolution will be to get the Introduction of Jessica in print for you all! I really would love to get that done this year! I can’t believe how far behind I have gotten! One more resolution would be to write more short stories and get the second book of shorts out there! I know I have published two short stories on their own, but I really want to do another group of 5 or 6 stories.
On a more personal note. I found out yesterday that someone I know personally is a Cross Dresser! Wow! I never knew and he didn’t know about me either! So now we do. I am writing him a short story right now and I am about half-way done with it. I really need to finish that one, but this story is a little more difficult! There are details in the story that are personal and we don’t want to let anyone know what’s up outside of just the two of us! It will be interesting to see what he thinks and if he will let me publish the story up here!
Alright everyone! Make your resolutions and let’s all try to stick to them! Share them here and we can track them if you want!!!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | Feb 21, 2014 | News / Updates

A Black Rose Butt Plug! I would love to do a photo shoot with a girl with this inserted, it would make a beautiful black and white photograph.
We are almost there! More than halfway through the last chapter and then on to the editing! There is going to be a LOT of editing though as somethings changed later on in the story that made a huge difference to the beginning of the story! There are parts of chapter 4 that have to go in chapter 1 etc! I don’t know how long it is going to take me to get that part done, but at least it will be started soon! I hope to finish up this weekend. I also have to write something for another website and want to get that to about 25k words, but that will take more than just this weekend. I only have about 6-10k more to go in the last chapter for The Introduction of Jessica though! That shouldn’t take too long, as long as I can wrap it up cleanly and leave it open to writing a second novel about her and Jamie!
I am starting my photography back up too! I have set up my adobe accounts and everything, but I am doing that under my real name and what not, so not going to share that all here! Though I will keep you up to date with what is going on with that! I did a fitness shoot last week and got some good video and photos of the model. She was beautiful! Anyhow, just have to figure out what exactly I am going to do for my come back project and get started with it!
Alright that is enough for tonight! Love you all! Hope you still stick around for the big reveal of The Introduction of Jessica!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | Jan 31, 2014 | News / Updates

Another Beautiful Ass
Well, It is almost time for me to take down all the free chapters of The Introduction of Jessica! I am almost done with the last chapter and I almost have over 100k words in the novel! Can you believe that?! It is going to be huge (at least for my first Novel!) Again, once I finish the last chapter (Chapter 7) I will be taking down the free chapters on the site here and starting the second draft (which will hopefully be the last draft!) I also have to create the cover, I know I have the front cover but there are more parts of the cover that I have to do and all the other crap that goes with publishing a novel! But it will be really nice since it has been almost a year since I last published something! I will have to complete a few more short stories and put together the second book of Erotic Short Stories! Hopefully that won’t take much more time after I get Jessica on the shelves! I am a little excited about getting through it and maybe starting on the next novel! I still haven’t decided on what it is going to be, but I would love to hear some ideas from you all. I have a few ideas, the Mage story set in modern times about a girl who goes to college and finds out she is the next in line of a family of witches. I am not completely sold on the idea, but I do have a ton of ideas on it! I am not sure how much sex would be in it, but I can think of a few good hot scenes right now! heheh You know me, can’t get sex out of my head!
Anyhow that is a good update for now! I will update more when I get closer to the end or if I finish the chapter! I CAN’T WAIT!!!!
Love ya!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | Feb 25, 2013 | News / Updates

Sexy Bat Girl
Alright everyone, as you can tell we are all at a new site! If you go here from the old site or from a post on g+ or facebook it doesn’t matter! We are new here and we need to get this site going again! It has taken a little while to get this site up on its own server, but now there are things I need to do to get it going on various search engines and make sure that everyone knows where the new site is!
So now that the site is up, though it still has a lot to have done to it, I can’t stop working on the stories. I have 3 stories that I need to be working on at the moment. These will all be online stories for the website! I will still be working on the Introduction of Jessica as there are still three more chapters to go at least! I will update yall on everything once I get going on them again. I still have a LOT to do on the new website so I hope you keep coming back an seeing things that have changed here and check for updates on the stories!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | Feb 18, 2013 | News / Updates

First Attempt at the cover for The Introduction of Jessica
Today I decided to try to create the new book cover and took a few pictures of myself. I know I am not the prettiest thing on the planet, but I do have some really nice legs. So I finally got a photo that I thought I could use! I created the first draft of the cover for “The Introduction of Jessica” for when I get to publish it. I hope you like it!
Speaking of the story, I am getting really close to finishing up the fourth day. It is getting long and I keep getting more ideas to put in, I really have to save a few ideas for day five and day six! I hope to have at least seven days for the first book, and it looks like it is going to be a rather large book too! The first book of Erotic Short Stories was about 76 pages. This book is going to be closer to 200 or 250 pages! I really hope you all are looking to see what happens with Jamie and Jessica!
Love Ya!
~-= Cin =-~