by Cindy McIntyre | May 23, 2015 | Rambling
Alright, I started looking through my toys and I found that I didn’t have anything in my repertoire that was realistic! So I looked online for a while and it wasn’t easy to find a realistic dildo! I didn’t want anything with vibrations, or anything special about it other than I wanted the look and feel of the damn thing to be realistic! I didn’t want one that was 9 inches long and 4 inches around. I wanted something about 6 inches long and maybe about 2.5 – 3 inches around. I wanted something realistic! I wanted it to be soft on the outside, and maybe even move over the firmer inside. Though that isn’t such a big deal, just mostly soft on the outside and firmer inside. I really wanted it to have realistic coloring as well.
I couldn’t find anything really except for maybe one, but I still think it was going to be a little too big, though I may still get it. It was the only one that I had found that was the right color, size and feel (at least I think with the feel and size since I haven’t been able to touch it yet). Next I went to the local store and thought I would have a better chance to at least touch and see the real size of things. Well, yeah, I did for the most part, and they were all huge! There were the ones that were really small, and the ones that were just enormous! I really wanted something that was a more normal (to me) size! There was one that was in a box so I couldn’t touch it to see if it felt good, but it was just a little larger than I wanted, so not that big a deal, but I still couldn’t see if it felt right. They had another one that was a little smaller and I could feel it so I went ahead and got that one. I will see if it was a good buy or not later on and maybe let you know.
So, now for the other end of the spectrum. Have you all seen the Autoblow 2? Anyone used one of these things yet? I have tried all kinds of pumps and different things that were supposed to feel like a blow job or whatever, but they never do. This thing is right at 300$ though, I am not sure I am going to get one of those just to find out it sucks! I have heard the motor is a little loud as well. Anyone have any good suggestions for either dildo’s or male masturbators that are awesome? I do have some of the fleshlight sleeves. They are great! Really need to try those if you haven’t yet! (And shameless plug, if you are going to try them out please click on my banner for them so I can get a few cents for you click! )
I finished up redoing the first chapter of the Introduction of Jessica novel. It has grown to over 103,000 words! I am sure it is going to grow even more since I have decided to expand the timeline from one week to the whole summer. The first chapter is just now the time that Jimmy meets his Step Aunt and gets moved into the house for the summer. The next chapter will be their first encounter and what not that you had read, though I am going to get rid of a lot of the inner monologue and use the opportunity for them to talk rather than thinking. I think it will bring the story along a lot better and I am going to get rid of a lot of the worry and whining that I found to be in the end of most of the chapters. But hey! That’s what happens when you start out with a short story and make it into a Novel! Sorry it has taken so long and will continue to take a while before I get this story out there! I hope there is a good amount of desire in yall to read it!
I would love to hear from you all about what you would like me to write about or what you have liked in the past! Until the next time!
Love yall!
by Cindy McIntyre | Mar 14, 2015 | Rambling
Wow I have not been keeping to my new years resolution at all! I am sorry for that. Life has really gotten in the way. I haven’t been able to do a lot of things that I wanted to do the past few weeks. But I am sure I will get caught up!
I have been throwing around the idea of building an Etsy site and selling some of my artsy photographs, I started a class on Coursera about big data. That should be interesting! I haven’t been able to play much guild wars 2 recently but will be doing that more too!
I have put together a work place. A new desk. New hutch and a new computer. Once I get the computer set up how I like and get photos hop and office installed again I will be working on my photography and the book again.
I still haven’t heard from my friend about the story but I think I am going to post that this week. I will probably be writing another short story here really soon as well. Once I get going again things will fall into place!
I wrote this post on my cell phone first so you will have to forgive any really bad grammar or what not in this post! I tried to fix the glaring problems but you know how it is! Anyhow I will update you again soon when I get things situated and get moving again on all the projects I want to get done!
Love you all!!!
by Cindy McIntyre | Nov 25, 2014 | Rambling

Nude Elf
Ok, I know it has been like forever since I last posted, but I have good reason! I promise! Well, at least it is a good reason to me! I started playing EVE again for a bit and got caught up in a few space battles that lasted a long time and now I am working to build up my fleet so I can go get a few more people back for killing one of my spaceships. Then last week Dragon Age 3 came out and I really couldn’t resist! I have been playing a hell of a lot over the last week! I haven’t gotten into EVE in the past week either. I will get back to doing things normally soon!
I still have a few ideas about some stuff I want to try out with short stories and maybe a full novel. What do you all think about a full novel or a few short stories in the medieval theme? I don’t want to do the Vampire / Werewolf cliche stuff, though that does seem to sell really well, hence twilight and city of glass etc! I don’t know what the hell I am going to do, but elves, humans, maybe a few dwarves, gnomes thrown in for no apparent reason. Let me know! Wish more people would comment! 🙂
See you all again soon! Love you!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | Apr 1, 2014 | Rambling

A Beautiful Ass!
Elder Scrolls Online started this weekend! I spent most of Sunday playing the game and getting to about level 9! Oh well, didn’t get to ten yet, but that isn’t a problem I will have more time in the near future to get back into it! I love walking around and seeing the sights! I guess I am just a tourist in the game!
I was able to start writing again last night! Finally! Tonight though I found out that I owed on my taxes! Can you believe that shit! I hate taxes! What the fuck over?! I can’t believe that I owed! And it wasn’t like a hundred or so, it was 3k?! Jesus! I really have to sell a load of books to pay this off! LOL Oh well, now I guess I have to get going on the book and get it done then get another book out a little quicker! So I am going to stop writing here for now and write that last chapter!
Love yall!
~-= Cin =-~
by Cindy McIntyre | Sep 12, 2013 | Rambling

Beautiful Ass and Panties
Fucking bad day. That about covers what has gone on today. I have no clue about one individual thing, it’s just a totally bad day. I don’t even know where to start. Work sucked, just again, no real one incident, just sucked. I am in a bad mood. Power went out for like 15 seconds, which was just long enough to make it so I had to go fix all the clocks and reset my computers. The TV had to be reset, the computer didn’t want to come up, the internet had to be reset twice. WTF?! Why does all this have to happen on the day that I am having a shitty day?! Just another damn thing. I have no clue what else to do tonight, I just don’t want to do anything. Ugh. Lets see if I can find a picture worth a shit.
by Cindy McIntyre | May 27, 2013 | Rambling

Sexy Shemale Ass!
Alright! Well it has been another fine weekend and a number of people have added me to their lists on Facebook and G+ again. I of course accept all people that add me but I don’t add anyone anymore since the kind of posts that I do mostly aren’t for just anyone. If you like what you see or a friend passes you along to my facebook, then feel free to add me and what not! I always accept requests. There is of course a problem with this.
Most everyone that has viewed my facebook page or G+ page has added me because they like my pictures, whether they are actually of me or some that I have liked and posted. They don’t read the blog, or they don’t read my posts, they don’t care about that. They like legs, panties and pantyhose. They are out just to get off, just like I mentioned in my last post. I love getting a message, “Hi”, or “Love your photos” sometime just “photo” whatever. I say thank you or hi back and then it starts.
I got one tonight, “Can we chat about sex?” You know I love to chat about sex, but not cyber. So I asked, “You mean Cyber?” They answered, “Chat for now” I was like alright, the only problem was most of their posts were in upper case, so I asked them to stop yelling. I can’t stand it when people don’t even know how to be polite in chat and expect people to have cyber sex with them on Facebook chat! WTF?! At anyrate, the first thing they came back with was, “Touch your pussy” I told them to go away after that. First, they didn’t know I have a COCK! Damn it! Second, they said they wanted to chat, not cyber. People are not all there and I don’t care to do that, especially with people that can’t even be courteous, or don’t know english. I am from the US! You would know that if you read my profile, or read my blog, or even read any of my posts. I can’t cyber or chat in any other language!
I don’t mind people wanting to cyber, sometimes it can be fun, like I said in my last post, but if you can’t even put a sentence together or be courteous, then look somewhere else, there are plenty of guys out there pretending to be girls, at least I am up front about being a cross dresser and posting under my pen name! Read what I write if you want to, ask me questions any time you want. Don’t come at me with, “LETS FUCK” and think you are going to get a good 5 minutes to jerk your cock to, cum and leave. As everyone has heard at one point in time or another, I’m Not That Type of Gurl!
Love ya!
~-= Cin =-~