First Attempt at the cover for The Introduction of Jessica

First Attempt at the cover for The Introduction of Jessica

Today I decided to try to create the new book cover and took a few pictures of myself. I know I am not the prettiest thing on the planet, but I do have some really nice legs. So I finally got a photo that I thought I could use! I created the first draft of the cover for “The Introduction of Jessica” for when I get to publish it. I hope you like it!

Speaking of the story, I am getting really close to finishing up the fourth day. It is getting long and I keep getting more ideas to put in, I really have to save a few ideas for day five and day six! I hope to have at least seven days for the first book, and it looks like it is going to be a rather large book too! The first book of Erotic Short Stories was about 76 pages. This book is going to be closer to 200 or 250 pages! I really hope you all are looking to see what happens with Jamie and Jessica!

Love Ya!
~-= Cin =-~


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