Fucking bad day. That about covers what has gone on today. I have no clue about one individual thing, it’s just a totally bad day. I don’t even know where to start. Work sucked, just again, no real one incident, just sucked. I am in a bad mood. Power went out for like 15 seconds, which was just long enough to make it so I had to go fix all the clocks and reset my computers. The TV had to be reset, the computer didn’t want to come up, the internet had to be reset twice. WTF?! Why does all this have to happen on the day that I am having a shitty day?! Just another damn thing. I have no clue what else to do tonight, I just don’t want to do anything. Ugh. Lets see if I can find a picture worth a shit.
I sure know what that’s like Cindy and that sure can put a damper on how the over all mood for the day can be. Things will get better I promise.
Blah, it’s alright! Thanx for the reply tho!!!!! Things always go in cycles I guess!
I know how that can be. I go through that too several times a year myself. You have tons of talent! I know that when times get “Blah” it can be a difficult time to write but, it can also be a time that creativity can be at its best. Hang in there Cindy, things will turn around for you I promise!