A Black Rose Butt Plug! I would love to do a photo shoot with a girl with this inserted, it would make a beautiful black and white photograph.
We are almost there! More than halfway through the last chapter and then on to the editing! There is going to be a LOT of editing though as somethings changed later on in the story that made a huge difference to the beginning of the story! There are parts of chapter 4 that have to go in chapter 1 etc! I don’t know how long it is going to take me to get that part done, but at least it will be started soon! I hope to finish up this weekend. I also have to write something for another website and want to get that to about 25k words, but that will take more than just this weekend. I only have about 6-10k more to go in the last chapter for The Introduction of Jessica though! That shouldn’t take too long, as long as I can wrap it up cleanly and leave it open to writing a second novel about her and Jamie!
I am starting my photography back up too! I have set up my adobe accounts and everything, but I am doing that under my real name and what not, so not going to share that all here! Though I will keep you up to date with what is going on with that! I did a fitness shoot last week and got some good video and photos of the model. She was beautiful! Anyhow, just have to figure out what exactly I am going to do for my come back project and get started with it!
Alright that is enough for tonight! Love you all! Hope you still stick around for the big reveal of The Introduction of Jessica!
~-= Cin =-~