Wow I have not been keeping to my new years resolution at all! I am sorry for that. Life has really gotten in the way. I haven’t been able to do a lot of things that I wanted to do the past few weeks. But I am sure I will get caught up!

I have been throwing around the idea of building an Etsy site and selling some of my artsy photographs, I started a class on Coursera about big data. That should be interesting! I haven’t been able to play much guild wars 2 recently but will be doing that more too!

I have put together a work place. A new desk. New hutch and a new computer. Once I get the computer set up how I like and get photos hop and office installed again I will be working on my photography and the book again.

I still haven’t heard from my friend about the story but I think I am going to post that this week. I will probably be writing another short story here really soon as well. Once I get going again things will fall into place!

I wrote this post on my cell phone first so you will have to forgive any really bad grammar or what not in this post! I tried to fix the glaring problems but you know how it is! Anyhow I will update you again soon when I get things situated and get moving again on all the projects I want to get done!

Love you all!!!

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