I haven’t started writing the next part to The Introduction of Jessica yet. The hardest part is getting started! Once I get going on it, I hope that it will go much faster! I have three or four other stories that I want to write to and at least two of those are for the site only. I know that one of the new stories will be for publication. I just need to get to work on them!
I would be interested in hearing what yall have to say about the stories! If you like the amount of sex and the amount of detail, if you would like more story and less sex, more sex, less story etc. Do you like the topics? Are there any that you would like to read about? Do you have a situation in mind that you would like to see in a story? I would love to hear about anything you all think about! Let me know in the comments here or on Google+ or Facebook!
I will update yall again when I have started on one of the stories! I really hope to get Jessica’s story done and published soon so you all don’t have to wait too long!
Love ya!
~-= Cin =-~