Beauty Nude with a Camera
Well, once again it has been a little while. I have been away for a while so I haven’t been able to finish the Introduction of Jessica. I will be getting back to it soon. I was able to do a photo shoot recently! That was nice getting back into doing some photography. It has been way too long since I did a model shoot. I will be setting up some more now that the weather is getting warmer! Since I did that photo shoot, I figured I would write another short story about it. Of course it would be with a few twists! I was figuring it would be a young guy that gets his first model shoot and things go a little differently then he ever imagined!
At any rate, I have to get going! I will let you all know what’s going on as soon as I get another chance to write! Lots going on and not much time to do everything I really want to do!
Miss yall! XOXOXO
~-= Cin =-~