The perfect Breast!
Wow, it has been a little while since the last time I have updated y’all and I am very sorry about that! I have been working on The Introduction of Jessica of course, but I started working on another novel. This one is about a girl going to college and will be a story in the world of Mage, Vampire, Werewolf etc. It isn’t the same sort of thing as Twilight, and of course it is going to be a little more erotic then that anyhow. Mage and the others are a world for role playing from the White Wolf company called the World of Darkness, you can read more here
http://www.white-wolf.com/. I think it will be neat, but of course it isn’t going to be done for a while since I want to get Jessica done first and this is going to be a long novel type story as well. I will keep you all informed and maybe post a few snippets as well!
I also have started working on a short story for the website, this one I am not going to tell you much about, I will just fininsh it up and get it posted so you can read it and let me know what you think! I have recieved one input from someone. I mean really one? They like the incest thing. How many people like the incest thing? I know IRL it is illegal and not many are going to really let everyone know, but I would like to know if we need more of those type stories or what. I would love to have more input either here or on facebook or g+ about what people would like to read in shorts or in longer novels.
Anyhow! I love yall! Hope you are all being patient with the stories, there is a lot to write and a lot to brainstorm! I will try to keep you all updated more often, just need to keep working!
~-= Cin =-~