I guess people are afraid of leaving comments.  I guess I could understand why that is.  Most people are afraid of letting others know that they are into erotica or porn.  They really like to look at the pictures and some read, but most are in for the pictures.  This makes me sad, since you can get a lot more out of reading and using your imagination to fill in the details that aren’t covered in the stories.  I hope that the people that read these blog posts enjoy the stories, but I guess I will just have to believe that people are reading them!  I would love to hear from everyone on here, but if you don’t want to, like I said, I understand.  If there is something that I can do to make it much easier to leave comments or what not (I guess I could use an anonymous poll!) please let me know and I will see what I can do with it and get it set up better for y’all. I will continue to post some pictures on here, but I hope that you understand that this site isn’t about the pictures, it is all about the stories and the books that I am working on and I really need to know that people are reading them to keep me moving forward with them and creating new ones.  I will move forward with the story in my own way since I didn’t get any type of comments so far on it, but that is how it is going to be. At any rate, hope you all enjoy it and please leave me comments, e-mail me, find me on facebook or google+ (buttons at the top of the page) and let me know what you think!

~-= Cin =-~

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