One Fine Ass

One Fine Ass

Ok, well once again I have dropped the ball on keeping yall updated! I promise I will try harder. I just really haven’t had much to report lately! I have been doing real life stuff that didn’t involve this side of my life for a little while now. I do have a few updates though! First lets discuss the book and some stories.

The Introduction of Jessica had been put on hold while I worked out a few things in my normal life. I will hopefully be able to get back to it this week and maybe finish up Day 6 before this month is out. I really hope so, I am kinda anxious to get started on Day 7 and wrapping up this particular book. I think there is a huge chance for a follow on book after this one. Don’t really want to say too much about the ideas for that or else I will give away too much from Day 7!

Ok, On to other things that have been happening! I met with a local cross dresser and took some images with her. She was great! It was a fun time. I really have to get going on working on the images and getting them to her! We also talked about some stories that she is writing and I brought up the option of both of us collaborating on a story or two! I am not sure if anything will come from it, but I think it would be a fun time and something really cool will come of it if we do get that project off the ground!

Anyhow, that about covers everything that has been going on. Like I said it isn’t much. I hope to have more posts and more to tell you coming sooner then I have been doing recently. Just a lot of regular life getting in the way and not enough time to get everything done that I really want to do! Not to mention that I am lacking a great deal of enthusiasm at the moment, though I am getting that back!

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