Beautiful Photo of a Beautiful Woman

Beautiful Photo of a Beautiful Woman

Well my friends, it is that time! I have gotten to the end of the last chapter for “The Introduction of Jessica”! I still have a lot of work to do on the story and updates and additions throughout the whole thing. There is so much information that I have thought about and how I can build on Jessica’s personality and back story and what not! I hope to keep the book to a reasonable size, but that is going to be secondary to getting the story right and “fleshing out” Jessica. I may tone back some of the sex scenes as well, but that remains to be seen! I hope that you have taken the time to read the first four chapters that I had posted on the site, because they are going away as of today! I need to take them down as there is going to be huge changes to all of the chapters of the book and I don’t want the old ones hanging around anymore.
I have started working on another short story, but the novel is taking precedence right now since it is so close to being done and I have a good idea of where it is going. I have a lot of ideas still for short stories, but I am still waiting to hear from my readers about anything they like or would like to read about! Let me know in the comments or send me a message on G+ or Facebook! I want to hear from you all!
I also have another idea, I was thinking about selling my book (when it is ready for sale) as a signed version for bitcoin! What do you all think about that? Would you use your bitcoin to buy a signed version of “The Introduction of Jessica”? I really would love to hear feedback on that idea!
Anyhow I think that is enough for now! I can’t wait to hear from you all!

~-= Cin =-~

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