That is one huge dildo in her ASS!!!!
Well, nothing much has changed I guess. I am working with a local girl on her website, there is a lot of shit to deal with on the legal side, but right now I am working through some of the other things that most people won’t see. Admin areas and how the different sets of images and videos will be uploaded, trying to make it as easy as I can for her. She will create a new set, entering the information like the title, description etc. Then the images and video will be uploaded by dragging and dropping them on the webpage from her computer. She will be able to change the order by just dragging them around. The video will be updated automatically from whatever she uploads to the three main HTML5 video types and if I can it will be backed up with Flash Video for those horny ass guys that don’t have enough time to drop their cocks and go get an updated computer. You know you are out there, don’t even try it! You are still on an old Pentium 450 mhz computer with a tube 13 inch monitor! (Oh dear god, please don’t let that be true!)
Anyhow, there is a lot of programming since I am doing it by hand rather then relying on other people (or plugins or addons or anything like that) so that she will have a completely custom website and it will work exactly how she wants it to work! It is going to be sweet! I just hope she likes it! I am always up for others who want to do a project too! I am really getting into doing the video thing. I have been working on learning how to use Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects. It is awesome! I just created my first video in those programs this past weekend and it was SWEET! I hope that I can do some really hot videos with this girl I am working on the website for too!
At any rate that is about it for now! I hope you all are enjoying the World Series and my blog! Leave me a message or two sometime! See you around the network!
Love ya!
~-= Cin =-~