Well, once again I have been bad. I haven’t written here in a while and that is against what I had planned on doing when this year started. Life continues to get in the way on most of the things that I had planned so far! I have started doing a few other things though, so that is taking a little bit of my time up and I haven’t been able to spend as much time on this site or writing as I would have liked to. But, I haven’t forgotten about you all!

I have a couple of stories I am still writing on. The stories aren’t near being done, but they are getting worked on a little bit every now and then. I haven’t gotten around to re-writing the first chapter of “The Introduction of Jessica” yet. Though it is ready to be re-written. It is going to take some time to get through the whole book though, as I am changing the timeline from one week to the whole summer and to make it make sense, I have to change a LOT of the chapters and how things are written. It may end up being longer as well.

But, life gets in the way and other things come up. I am working on a “Signature Track” on Coursera. I am working on building a couple of websites. I am learning a lot of different applications. I am thinking of various business opportunities. I am working out how to get rid of all my debt in the next 5 years. This is a LOT of things going on at the same time and I still have a day job! I don’t see that changing until I get a lot more books published and yall start buying them or start donating to me! 🙂 LOL Just kidding! I don’t beg! heheh

At any rate, I just wanted you all to know that I haven’t forgotten you and I hope to write more, but I can’t promise it!

~-= Cin =-~

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